cXML Release Notes

This document describes the changes between versions of cXML. For complete descriptions of all changes, see the cXML Reference Guide (PDF).


PoolID Element

This is a new element. PoolID is an alternative to the StudyID element for grouping several studies together in the Life Sciences industry. Its value is passed only when several studies are pooled. Using this element modifies StudyID and ProtocolID as optional elements. PoolID is required for ItemOutLifeSciences when the isCFGPooled attribute's value is set to 'yes'.

PoolID modifies the following elements:

Element Description

Using PoolID modifies StudyID and ProtocolID as optional elements.


Using PoolID modifies StudyID and ProtocolID as optional elements.

Note: PoolID is required when the isCFGPooled attribute's value is set to 'yes'.


Using PoolID modifies StudyID and ProtocolID as optional elements.


IncoTerm Attribute

This is a modification of an existing element. Specifies whether the supplier has delivered and unloaded the goods.

incoTerm modifies the following elements:

Element Description

Specify whether the supplier has delivered and unloaded the goods.

  • cfr - Cost and Freight
  • cif - Costs, Insurance & Freight
  • cip - Carriage and Insurance Paid to
  • cpt - Carriage Paid to
  • daf - Delivered at Frontier
  • dap - Delivered at Place
  • ddp - Delivered at Duty
  • ddu - Delivered Duty Unpaid
  • dpu - Delivered at Place Unloaded
  • deq - Delivered ex Quay (duty paid)
  • des - Delivered ex Ship
  • exw - Ex Works
  • fas - Free Alongside Ship
  • fca - Free Carrier
  • fob - Free on Board


dpasRating Attribute

This is a modification of an existing element. It indicates that the order is DPAS-rated and requires a special handling to comply with the applicable law.

dpasRating modifies the following elements:

Element Description

Specify the highest rating of the schedule line.


Specify the highest rating of the item.


AuthorizationLabels Element

This is a new element. It defines one or more authorization labels for the document.

An authorization label identifies a document as part of a certain user-defined classification but doesn't by itself grant or deny access to a user. Instead, it's up to the application to decide if a user should or shouldn't have access based on this information.

AuthorizationLabels has the following element:

Element Description
IdReference (required)

Defines an ID reference for this authorization label. Each IdReference means a different domain. No duplicate domain values are allowed.

Valid domain values are:

  • sip
  • program

Multiple values within the same domain must appear as comma-separated values in the same element.

Messages: OrderRequest

DPAS Element

This is a new element. It indicates that the order is DPAS-rated and requires a special handling to comply with the applicable law. DPAS stands for Defense Priorities & Allocations System Program, a U.S. program run by the Department of Commerce.

DPAS has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
rating (required)

The DPAS rating, such as DO or DX. More specific ratings can be entered here.


The contract number related with this DPAS-rated order. Shouldn't be present for header-level.


The allocation quantity, for line-level or lower information. Shouldn't be present for header-level.

Messages: OrderRequest

ItemOutAerospaceAndDefense Element

This is a new element. It contains aerospace and defense industry item information.

ItemOutAerospaceAndDefense has the following element:

Element Description
DPAS (required)

Indicates that the order is DPAS-rated and requires a special handling to comply with the applicable law.

Messages: OrderRequest

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains aerospace and defense industry item information. See ItemOutAerospaceAndDefense Element.

Messages: OrderRequest

LifeSciences Element

This is a new element. It contains life sciences industry header information for orders.

LifeSciences has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Life sciences order category. Possible values:

  • clinicalFinishedGoodsOrder - Order for clinical finished goods.
  • labelPrintingOrder - Order for label printing.
  • reworkOrder - Order for rework.
  • shelfLifeExtensionRelabelOrder - Order for shelf-life extension relabeling.
  • additionalLabelPrintingOrder - Order for printing additional labels.

Messages: OrderRequest

OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element

For the industryType attribute, the aerospaceAndDefense value was added.

The following elements were added:

Element Description
LifeSciences Provides life sciences industry specific detail. See LifeSciences Element.
DPAS Header-level DPAS-rating information for this order, if applicable. See DPAS Element.
AuthorizationLabels Defines one or more authorization labels for the document. See AuthorizationLabels Element.

Messages: OrderRequest

ScheduleLine Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ScheduleLineIndustry Contains industry-specific information for the schedule line. See ScheduleLineIndustry Element.

Messages: OrderRequest

ScheduleLineAerospaceAndDefense Element

This is a new element. It contains aerospace and defense industry item information.

ScheduleLineAerospaceAndDefense has the following element:

Element Description

Indicates that the order is DPAS-rated and requires a special handling to comply with the applicable law. See DPAS Element.

Messages: OrderRequest

ScheduleLineIndustry Element

This is a new element. It contains schedule line industry-specific information.

ScheduleLineIndustry has the following element:

Element Description

Contains aerospace and defense industry item information. and requires a special handling to comply with the applicable law. See ScheduleLineAerospaceAndDefense Element.

Messages: OrderRequest


PaymentPartner Element

PaymentToken Element was added.

Message: PaymentRemittanceRequest

PaymentToken Element

This is a new element. It defines a virtual payment token card element used for payment.

PaymentToken has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
number (required) Number of the virtual card.
expiration (required) Expiration date of the virtual card.
name Name of the virtual card.
token (required) Token of the virtual card. The token is typically a randomly-generated string of characters or numbers with no inherent meaning outside the specific payment system.

Messages: PaymentRemittanceRequest

ServiceEntryRequestHeader Element

The value update was added to the operation attribute:

Attribute Description
operation (required)
  • new - The ServiceEntryRequest creates a new service sheet. The default value is operation="new".
  • update - Updates an existing service sheet. The "update" document must be complete, and the existing service sheet must be specified in a DocumentReference or DocumentInfo element.
  • delete - The ServiceEntryRequest cancels an existing service sheet, which must be specified by referencing its payloadID in the DocumentReference element.

Message: ServiceEntryRequest


BusinessPartner Element

The value logistics was added to the role attribute:

Attribute Description
role (required)

Indicates the role the partner plays in the procurement process. Possible values are soldTo, shipFrom, orderingAddress, or logistics.

Message: OrderRequest

Indicator Element

This is a new element. It contains information about the indicator of a line item and if it is a warning or an error.

Indicator has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type Name given to indicator.

Defines whether the indicator is a warning or error message. Possible values:

  • warning
  • error

Message: OrderRequest

ItemOut Element

The following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description

Defines the action associated with the line item. Possible values:

  • delete - Removes the line item.
  • block - Blocks the line item.

The following element was added:

Element Description
Indicator Contains information about the indicator of a line item and if it is a warning or an error. See Indicator Element.

Message: OrderRequest


The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Set to yes when the PackageControlNumber is released.

Message: OrderRequest


The following element was added:

Element Description
BatchInfo Controls whether the batch information is required or not for an item when a supplier creates an order response. See BatchInfo Element.

Message: OrderRequest


OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
industryType Identifies the industry for which the document is being sent. The only possible value is lifeSciences.

Message: OrderRequest

ShipNoticeItemLifeSciences Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
MedicationListInfo Contains a set of medication sequence number ranges. See MedicationListInfo Element.

Message: ShipNoticeRequest


ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ItemOutLifeSciences Contains life sciences industry item information. See ItemOutLifeSciences Element.

Message: OrderRequest

ItemOutLifeSciences Element

This is a new element. It contains life sciences industry item information. This information is sent to the supplier to support collaboration for clinical supply management.

ItemOutLifeSciences has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
isCFGPooled Indicates whether clinical finished goods are pooled, that is, used in a pool of studies.

ItemOutLifeSciences has the following elements:

Element Description
Study (required) Contains information about a clinical study. See Study Element.
KitType Contains a unique identifier for a group of clinical finished goods (CFG) that represents the generalization of the stock keeping unit of a specific clinical supply, regardless of country-specific packaging and labeling requirements. See KitType Element.
ProtocolID (required) Contains a unique external identifier assigned to the protocol. The protocol is the detailed plan of the clinical study. See ProtocolID Element.
PackageControlNumber Contains an identification number used for blinding the individual batch numbers for an active drug and a placebo. See PackageControlNumber Element.
PoolID Contains an alternative to StudyID when several studies are pooled or grouped together. This value is passed only when several studies are pooled. See PoolID Element.
MedicationListInfo Contains a set of medication sequence number ranges. See MedicationListInfo Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to the ItemOutLifeSciences element.

Message: OrderRequest

KitType Element

This is a new element. It contains a unique identifier for a group of clinical finished goods (CFG) that represents the generalization of the stock keeping unit of a specific clinical supply, regardless of country-specific packaging and labeling requirements.

KitType has the following elements:

Element Description
KitTypeID (required) Contains an identification number of the kit type. See KitTypeID Element.
Description Contains a string that describes the KitType.

Message: OrderRequest

KitTypeID Element

This is a new element. It contains an identification number of the kit type.

Message: OrderRequest

LabelID Element

This is a new element. It contains an identification number used in the BOM for artwork of a label.

Message: OrderRequest

MedicationListInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains a set of medication sequence number ranges.

MedicationListInfo has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
type Specifies the available medication sequence numbers. Possible value:
  • range - A range of sequence numbers, only valid for numeric ranges.

MedicationListInfo has the following element:

Element Description
PropertyValue When MedictionListInfo@type is "range", minimum and maximum acceptable limits should be provided in PropertyValue element. In this case, PropertyValue@name should be "range" and PropertyValue@Characteristic should provide the minimum and maximum values in Characteristic@value attribute with "minimum" and "maximum" as domains in Characteristic@domain attribute.

Message: OrderRequest

PackageControlNumber Element

This is a new element. It contains an identification number used for blinding the individual batch numbers for an active drug and a placebo.

PackageControlNumber has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
packageControlNumberExpiryDate (required) Expiration date of the PackageControlNumber.

Message: OrderRequest

Packaging Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
PackagingIndustry Contains industry relevant information. See PackagingIndustry Element.

Message: OrderRequest, ShipNoticeRequest

PackagingIndustry Element

This is a new element. It contains industry relevant information.

PackagingIndustry has the following element:

Element Description
PackagingLifeSciences Defines life sciences industry specific information for Packaging. See PackagingLifeSciences Element.

Message: OrderRequest, ShipNoticeRequest

PackagingLifeSciences Element

This is a new element. It defines life sciences industry specific information for Packaging.

PackagingLifeSciences has the following element:

Element Description
MedicationListInfo Contains a set of medication sequence number ranges. See MedicationListInfo Element.

Message: OrderRequest, ShipNoticeRequest

PoolID Element

This is a new element. It contains an alternative to StudyID when several clinical studies are pooled or grouped together. This value is passed only when several clinical studies are pooled.

Message: OrderRequest

ProtocolID Element

This is a new element. It contains a unique external identifier assigned to the protocol. The protocol is the detailed plan of the clinical study.

Message: OrderRequest, ShipNoticeRequest

ShipNoticeItemIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ShipNoticeItemLifeSciences Contains life sciences specific elements for ship notices. See ShipNoticeItemLifeSciences Element.

Message: ShipNoticeRequest

ShipNoticeItemLifeSciences Element

This is a new element. It contains life sciences specific elements for ship notices.

ShipNoticeItemLifeSciences has the following elements:

Element Description
Study Contains information about a clinical study. See Study Element.
ProtocolD Contains a unique external identifier assigned to the protocol. The protocol is the detailed plan of the clinical study. See ProtocolID Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to the ShipNoticeItemLifeSciences element.

Message: ShipNoticeRequest

Study Element

This is a new element. It contains information about a clinical study.

Study has the following elements:

Element Description
StudyID (required) Contains a unique identification number of a clinical study. See StudyID Element.
Description Contains a string that describes the study.

Message: OrderRequest, ShipNoticeRequest

StudyID Element

This is a new element. It contains a unique identification number of a clinical study.

Message: OrderRequest, ShipNoticeRequest

SubcontractingComponent Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
SubcontractingComponentIndustry Contains industry-specific information for SubcontractingComponent. See SubcontractingComponentIndustry Element.

Message: OrderRequest

SubcontractingComponentIndustry Element

This is a new element. It contains industry-specific information for SubcontractingComponent.

SucontractingComponentIndustry has the following element:

Element Description
SubcontractingComponentLifeSciences Contains life sciences specific elements for subcontracting components. See SubcontractingComponentLifeSciences Element.

Message: OrderRequest

SubcontractingComponentLifeSciences Element

This is a new element. It contains life sciences specific elements for subcontracting components.

SubcontractingComponentLifeSciences has the following elements:

Element Description
LabelID Contains an identification number used in the BOM for artwork of a label. See LabelID Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to the SubcontractingComponentLifeSciences element.

Message: OrderRequest


There are no DTD changes for this release.


IdReference Element

The following values were added for the domain attribute:

Message: OrderRequest

ItemOut Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Defines the action associated with the line item. There is only one possible value:

  • delete - Removes the line item.

Message: OrderRequest

ScheduleLine Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Defines the schedule line type when the OrderRequest is a scheduling agreement release. For information purposes only. Possible values:

  • backlog - The schedule line has a delivery date in the past.
  • immediate - The schedule line has the delivery date 'today.'
  • forecast - The schedule line has a delivery date in the future.

Message: OrderRequest


There are no DTD changes for this release.


AcceptanceScheduleDetail Element

The documentation for the approvedAction and lineNumber attributes was updated.

Message: ApprovalRequest

ModificationDetail Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

The scope of the modification. Possible values:

  • unitPrice - Applies to pricing conditions for the item.
  • lineItem - Applies to allowances or charges for the line item.

The calculation logic applied to this modification. Possible values:

  • fixedAmount
  • quantity
  • percentage

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Defines an ID reference for this modification. The domain for an IdReference contained in ModificationDetail should be "ID".

Note: The IdReference and ParentID elements are used to define a hierarchy of pricing conditions for a line item. They are not used for header-level modifications.


Identifies the parent modification within the line item that is calculated before its child modifications.

Message: OrderRequest

QualityNotificationActivity, QualityNotificationCause, QualityNotificationRequestItem, and QualityNotificationTask Elements

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines comments and attachments for this quality notification object.

Message: QualityNotificationRequest


ProductActivityHeader Element

The following value was added to the processType attribute: StockInventory.

Message: ProductActivityMessage

ReceiptRequestHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

An identifier for a business process. The only possible value is stockTransfer, representing the stock transport order scenario.

Message: ReceiptRequest

ShipNoticeHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

An identifier for a business document. When creating a ship notice for a stock transport order, you must specify one of the following values:

  • stockTransfer - Identifies a ship notice message sent from buyer to supplier for stock transfer scenario.
  • stockShippingAdvice - Identifies a ship notice message sent from a supplier for stock transfer scenario.

Message: ShipNoticeRequest


There are no DTD changes for this release.


ItemOut Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

When the attribute itemCategory has the value "stockTransfer" and the attribute stoFinalDelivery is set to "yes", then further ship notice creation isn't possible. This setting is relevant for stock transport orders or stock transport releases.

Message: OrderRequest

PaymentProposalRequest Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The discount rate applied to the payable, expressed as a percentage.

Message: PaymentProposalRequest


InvoiceDetailRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines payment information that buyers can provide in ERP Copy Invoices and ERS invoices. It contains the payment net due date for an invoice as determined by the buyer. See PaymentInformation Element.

Message: InvoiceDetailRequest

InvoiceStatus Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Date and time after which the invoice has to be paid without any discount.

The date/time value can include a time-zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The payment net due date may be based on settings the buyer has configured in their invoice processing system to determine when the invoice must be paid without discount. The value of the payment net due date is not a legally binding date. Actual payment could happen before or after that date.

Message: StatusUpdateRequest

PaymentInformation Element

This is a new element. It defines payment information that buyers can provide in ERP Copy Invoices and ERS invoices. It contains the payment net due date for an invoice as determined by the buyer.

PaymentInformation has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Date and time after which the invoice has to be paid without any discount.

The date/time value can include a time-zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The payment net due date may be based on settings the buyer has configured in their invoice processing system to determine when the invoice must be paid without discount. The value of the payment net due date is not a legally binding date. Actual payment could happen before or after that date.

Message: InvoiceDetailRequest


ContractItemIn Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Defines the relationships that exist between suppliers' production facilities and their production facility roles. See SupplierProductionFacilityRelations Element.


Contains any additional information related to the contract item.

Message: ContractRequest

Correspondent Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines the corresponding routing destination. See Routing Element.

Message: All messages received from an external business partner.

IdReference Element

The domain attribute now supports an additional value, iso6523, which identifies a business partner with the electronic address scheme governed by the iso6523 standard.

Message: All messages received from an external business partner.

ItemOut Element

The stoDelivery attribute, which specifies whether full or partial delivery is allowed for a stock transport order item, no longer has a default value.

Message: OrderRequest

QuoteItemIn Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Defines the relationships that exist between suppliers' production facilities and their production facility roles. See SupplierProductionFacilityRelations Element.


Contains any additional information related to the quote item.

Message: QuoteMessage

QuoteMessageHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines the relationships that exist between suppliers' production facilities and their production facility roles. See SupplierProductionFacilityRelations Element.

Message: QuoteMessage

Routing Element

This is a new element. It defines the corresponding routing destination of an external business partner.

Routing has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
destination (required)

The name of the routing destination. Possible values:

  • peppol
  • fieldglass

Message: All messages received from an external business partner.


BlanketItemDetail Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Contains the maximum value that the total of all unplanned services (or the value of the material) covered by this item may not exceed. This limit represents a budget for unplanned services, and it must not be exceeded. This limit can be used in service lines and the items of blanket purchase orders. At service outline level (top-level service item), this field captures limit for the total of all unplanned services (or the value of the material). At service item level, it captures the sub-limits (the budget for that item). See OverallLimit Element.


Contains a value that the unplanned services (or the material) covered by this item are not expected to exceed. ExpectedLimit captures the planned or expected value and is mainly used for analysis purposes and for determining the total value of the item. The buyer assumes that ExpectedLimit is the final amount payable. ExpectedLimit is specified only for a top-level service item.

The ExpectedLimit is generally less than the specified OverallLimit. However, ExpectedLimit can also be higher than OverallLimit if the buyer determines that the total sum payable is made available at the start of the procurement project, but initially only services worth a value of up to the OverallLimit may be performed. Further work can only be carried out if the buyer increases the OverallLimit. This enables progressive allotment of the budget to different phases of the project. See ExpectedLimit Element.

Message: OrderRequest, MasterAgreementRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest

BusinessPartner Element

This is a new element. It contains information about the business partner for an item.

BusinessPartner has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type (required)

Identifies the type of the business partner. Only possible value is organization.

role (required)

Indicates the role the partner plays in the procurement process. Possible values are soldTo, shipFrom, or orderingAddress.

BusinessPartner has the following elements:

Element Description
Address (required)

Provides a description of the business party. Follow these instructions for each role:

  • soldTo: The domain attribute of the element IdReference should be set to "buyerAccountID", the identifier to the sold to party ID. The addressIDDomain should be set to "buyerAccountID". The addressID should be set to the sold to party ID. Use the name for the description.
  • shipFrom: The addressIDDomain should be set to "shipFromAddressID". The addressID should be set to the ship from party ID. Use the name for the description.
  • orderingAddress: The addressIDDomain should be set to "supplierCorporate". The addressID should be set to the ordering address party ID. Use the name for the description.

ID reference is within the application context (for example, a certain pair of buyer and supplier). The (identifier, domain) pair should be unique.

Message: OrderRequest

ItemIn Element

The following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description

Specifies how an item is procured. The following item category was added:

  • limit - Indicates that there is an expected limit for unplanned services or material covered by this item.

Message: ConfirmationRequest, ContractRequest

ItemOut Element

The following attributes were added or updated:

Attribute Description

Specifies how an item is procured. The following item category was added:

  • limit - Indicates that there is an expected limit for unplanned services or material covered by this item.

The delivery options possible for stock transport order item.

  • full (default) - Only full delivery allowed for the order. This is specific to stock transport order or stock transport release.
  • partial - Partial delivery allowed for the order. This is specific to stock transport order or stock transport release.

When the attribute itemCategory has the value "stockTransfer" and the attribute stoOrderCombination is set to "yes", then it is possible to combine items from different stock transport orders with the flag set during ship notice creation. The corresponding flag for order combination is set in the buyer's ERP. This setting is relevant for stock transport orders or stock transport releases.

Message: OrderRequest

OrderRequestHeader Element

The following attributes were added or updated:

Attribute Description

The following type was added:

  • stockTransportRelease - Indicates that this order is a stock transport scheduling agreement release (SAR).

Set to yes to indicate that this OrderRequest is used to send the stock to the supplier. The goods are sent from the buyer plant to the supplier plant. This is currently relevant only for the stock transport order scenario.

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains information about the business partner for an item. See BusinessPartner Element.

Message: OrderRequest


IdReference Element

Depending on your procurement application, the domain attribute supports an additional possible value:

Message: InvoiceDetailRequest


AccountCurrency Element

This is a new element. It refers to the account currency for a PaymentPartner.

AccountCurrency has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
code (required)

Specifies a three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.

Message: PaymentBatchRequest

ContractRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines the relationships that exist between suppliers' production facilities and their production facility roles. See SupplierProductionFacilityRelations Element.

Message: ContractRequest

ItemIn Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The period during which the service item can be performed.

Message: ConfirmationRequest, ContractRequest, PunchOutOrderMessage, PurchaseRequisitionRequest, SalesOrderRequest

ItemOut Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

The buyer's ERP system sends the stock transfer type based on the stock transport order. Possible values:

  • intra - Refers to transfer of stock from one plant to another plant within the same company code.
  • inter - Refers to transfer of stock from one plant to another plant in different company codes.

Message: OrderRequest

OrderRequestHeader Element

The orderType attribute was updated, adding a new value, stockTransport:

Attribute Description
orderType (required)

Type of order. Possible values:

  • regular - Standard purchase order (default).
  • release - Release against an existing master agreement, contract, or a blanket purchase order.
  • blanket - Blanket purchase order.
  • stockTransport - Stock transport order.

Message: OrderRequest

PaymentPartner Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Refers to the account currency for the current PaymentPartner. See AccountCurrency Element.

Message: PaymentBatchRequest

PaymentPurpose Element

This is a new element. It refers to the purpose of payment, for example, reimbursement of medical expenses, salary, and so on.

PaymentPurpose has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
code (required)

Code representing the payment purpose. This may be a country-specific code for the payment purpose. The value "other" indicates that a free-text payment purpose is provided instead.

Message: PaymentBatchRequest

PaymentRemittanceRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Refers to the purpose of payment. See PaymentPurpose Element.

Message: PaymentBatchRequest

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Name of the item's manufacturer.

Message: ProductActivityMessage

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Name of the item's manufacturer.

Message: ProductReplenishmentMessage

ProductionFacility Element

This is a new element. It defines a supplier unit used for a particular manufacturing process.

ProductionFacility has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Name of the production facility.

ProductionFacility has the following elements:

Element Description
IdReference (required)

Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair identifies a production facility.

ProductionFacilityRole (required)

Identifies the stage of a manufacturing process for which a supplier production facility is used.

Message: ContractRequest

ProductionFacilityAssociation Element

This is a new element. It defines a relationship between a production facility and a production facility role.

ProductionFacilityAssociation has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Operation to be performed. Possible values:

  • new (default) - Represents a new production facility association sent to the external system.
  • update - Represents an update to an existing production facility association.
  • delete - Represents an instruction to delete this production facility association in the external system.

ProductionFacilityAssociation has the following elements:

Element Description
ProductionFacility (required)

Defines a relationship between a production facility and a production facility role. See ProductionFacility Element.

OrganizationalUnit (required)

Purchasing organization of the buyer.


Optional Ship-To addressing information for the buyer's plant.

Message: ContractRequest

ProductionFacilityRole Element

This is a new element. It defines the stage of a manufacturing process for which a supplier production facility is used. For example, an apparel manufacturing process could have separate production facility roles for cutting, sewing, pressing and folding, finishing and detailing, dyeing, and washing.

ProductionFacilityRole has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Name of the production facility role.

ProductionFacilityRole has the following element:

Element Description

Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair identifies a production facility role.

Message: ContractRequest

ShipNoticeItem Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

Specifies the type of stock transport order. Possible values:

  • intra - Identifies the ship notice item was created for intra stock transport order.
  • inter - Identifies the ship notice item was created for inter stock transport order.

Set to stockTransport to indicate that outbound delivery needs to be created for a stock transport order.

Message: ShipNoticeRequest

SupplierProductionFacilityRelations Element

This is a new element. It defines the relationships that exist between suppliers' production facilities and their production facility roles.

SupplierProductionFacilityRelations has the following element:

Element Description
ProductionFacilityAssociation (required)

Defines a relationship between a production facility and a production facility role. See ProductionFacilityAssociation Element.

Message: ContractRequest


ChargeFile Element

This is a new element. It contains bank charge file related information. The bank charge file is the file sent by banks to the buyer for reconciliation purposes.

ChargeFile has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Name of the bank charge file.


Size of the bank charge file.

frequency (required)

Defines the frequency of the bank charge file. Possible values:

  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly

Defines the standard format of the bank charge file, for example, MT940, CAMT.053, BAI2, or CSV.

statementDate (required)

Date of generation of this charge file statement.

ChargeFile has the following elements:

Element Description
Period (required)

Defines the period for the charge file.

Attachment (required)

Contains a URL reference to the attached charge file.

NumberOfCharges (required)

Contains the number of charges contained in the attachment.

Message: ChargeFileRequest

ChargeFileDetails Element

This is a new element. It contains a list of bank charge files.

ChargeFileDetails has the following elements:

Element Description
ChargeFile (required)

Bank charge file related information. See ChargeFile Element.


Comments associated with these bank charge files.


Defines an ID reference. For example, the identifier/domain pair could identify the buyer.


Contains any additional information related to the bank charge files.

Message: ChargeFileRequest

ChargeFileRequest Element

This is a new element. It is a cXML request wrapper for a bank charge file. Each request is guaranteed to be for one buyer from one bank account. Therefore, the request uniquely identifies the buyer associated with the charge file. The ChargeFileRequest document is sent by the provider to the buyer.

ChargeFileRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
ChargeFileRequestHeader (required)

Contains required fields to process a bank charge file. See ChargeFileRequestHeader Element.

ChargeFileDetails (required)

Contains a list of bank charge files. See ChargeFileDetails Element.

Message: ChargeFileRequest

ChargeFileRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains the required fields to process a bank charge file.

ChargeFileRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
ProviderName (required)

Contains the bank/provider name.


Comments associated with these bank charge files.


Defines an ID reference. For example, the identifier/domain pair could identify the buyer.


Contains any additional information related to the bank charge files.

Message: ChargeFileRequest

ItemOut Element

The Comments element was updated to support multiple instances.

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

Set to yes to indicate that the line item supports unlimited quantity deliveries. Corresponding unlimited delivery tolerance is flagged on the ERP. This flag is used during ship notice creation only.


Set to yes to indicate that the item has changed.


Set to yes to indicate that the item is flagged for the Kanban process. Kanban-related orders require in time and 100% delivery quality.

Message: MasterAgreementRequest, OrderRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Provides packaging distribution information between stores. See PackagingDistribution Element.

Message: MasterAgreementRequest, OrderRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest

NumberOfCharges Element

This is a new element. It contains the total number of charges included in the bank charge file.

Message: ChargeFileRequest

OrderRequestHeader Element

The Comments element was updated to support multiple instances.

Message: OrderRequest

Packaging Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The code of the store assigned for this packaging. See StoreCode Element.

Message: InvoiceDetailRequest, MasterAgreementRequest, OrderRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest, ShipNoticeRequest, TransportRequest

PackagingDistribution Element

This is a new element. It contains packaging distribution information between stores.

PackagingDistribution has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
quantity (required)

Number of this packaging distribution information. Expressed in the units given in the UnitOfMeasure element.

PackagingDistribution has the following elements:

Element Description
StoreCode (required)

The code of the store assigned for this packaging distribution information. See StoreCode Element.

UnitOfMeasure (required)

The unit of measure for the quantity. It must conform with UN/CEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes.

Message: MasterAgreementRequest, OrderRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest

PaymentAmount Element

This is a new element. It contains the amount paid in the payment receipt.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PaymentDetails Element

This is a new element. It contains details of the payment.

PaymentDetails has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentAmount (required)

Amount paid in the payment receipt. See PaymentAmount Element.


Balance amount to be paid before making this payment. See PreviousBalance Element.


Balance amount to be paid later. See PresentBalance Element.


Contains any additional information, including country-specific information, related to the PaymentDetails.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest Element

This is a new element. It defines a payment receipt confirmation request, which is sent to the buyer by a supplier. It transmits a Payment Receipt confirmation request to a buyer, and it provides information related to the payment, including payment partner details, supplier tax ID, buyer tax ID, document submission method, and so on. This document must be sent to the location specified in the buyer's ProfileResponse.

Payment receipts are defined by certain tax authorities, such as the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT). Payment receipts must be issued by suppliers when they receive payments in installments or after the invoice date.

PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequestHeader (required)

Header of a PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest, which is sent to the buyer to confirm the payment received by the supplier or contractor. See PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequestHeader Element.

PaymentReceiptDetails (required)

Contains detailed information of the receipt associated with the payment made. See PaymentReceiptDetails Element.

PaymentReceiptSummary (required)

Contains a summary of the payment made. See PaymentReceiptSummary Element.


Contains any additional information related to the PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest, including country-specific information like payment receipt submission method, classification code, and so on.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It defines the header for a PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest.

PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
paymentReceiptID (required)

A supplier generated identifier for the payment receipt.

issuedDate (required)

Date and time this payment receipt was created.

paymentReceivedDate (required)

Date and time at which payment was received by the payee.


Indicates a payment transaction reference or payment identification number. For example, for check payments, the paymentReferenceNumber is the check number, and for electronic payments, it is an electronic reference or confirmation number.

PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description

The payment method used for the payment.

PaymentPartner (required)

Payer (buyer user) and payee (supplier user), originating bank, and receiving bank contact details.


Contains comments associated with this PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest.


Contains any additional information related to the PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest. Should not duplicate anything in PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PaymentReceiptDetails Element

This is a new element. It contains PaymentReceiptItem elements. Each PaymentReceiptItem corresponds to one invoice or payment remittance document.

PaymentReceiptDetails has the following element:

Element Description

Contains details of the individual invoice for which the payment is made. See PaymentReceiptItem Element.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PaymentReceiptItem Element

This is a new element. It contains details of the individual invoice for which the payment is made.

PaymentReceiptItem has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
paymentLineNumber (required)

Line number of the payment in payment receipt document.


The installment number of the payment number.

PaymentReceiptItem has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentDetails (required)

Contains details of the payment. See PaymentDetails Element.

ReferenceDocumentInfo (required)

Contains details of the reference document for which the payment is made.


Contains any additional information, including country-specific information, related to the PaymentReceiptItem.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PaymentReceiptSummary Element

This is a new element. It contains the summary of the payment amount details.

PaymentReceiptSummary has the following elements:

Element Description
NetAmount (required)

Contains the net amount paid through the payment receipt.


Contains any additional information, including country-specific information, related to the PaymentReceiptSummary.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PresentBalance Element

This is a new element. It contains the balance amount to be paid later.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

PreviousBalance Element

This is a new element. It contains the balance amount to be paid before making this payment.

Message: PaymentReceiptConfirmationRequest

ProviderName Element

This is a new element. It contains the bank/provider name for a ChargeFileRequest.

ProviderName has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
xml:lang (required)

Language or locale in which the ProviderName is written.

Message: ChargeFileRequest

StoreCode Element

This is a new element. It contains the code of a store assigned for an item's packaging. If packaging is distributed between multiple stores, then multiple store codes are specified in the distribution.

Message: InvoiceDetailRequest, MasterAgreementRequest, OrderRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest, ShipNoticeRequest, TransportRequest


ConditionType Element

This is a new element. It references a pricing condition type. ConditionType can have a default cost term value, which is used in cases where scales are not specified. If the scale is specified, the cost term value provided in the scale is used.

ConditionType has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
name (required)

Name of the condition type. Examples: Price, Surcharge.

ConditionType has the following elements:

Element Description

Reference to a pricing condition cost term. See CostTermValue Element.


Reference to a pricing condition scales vector. See Scales Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

ConditionTypes Element

This is a new element. It references a condition types list.

ConditionTypes has the following element:

Element Description
ConditionType (required)

References a pricing condition type. See ConditionType Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

CostTermValue Element

This is a new element. It references a pricing condition cost term. It contains a Money or Percentage value.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest


This is a new element. It specifies the company type. The data type is a string and can be any characters with a maximum of 255 characters.

Message: PaymentProposalRequest, PaymentRemittanceRequest, TradeRequest


The type attribute now supports the following additional values:

Message: ProductActivityMessage


The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains information for the asset referenced by the packaging.

Message: InvoiceDetailRequest, MasterAgreementRequest, OrderRequest, PunchOutSetupRequest, ShipNoticeRequest, TransportRequest

PaymentPartner Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Specifies the company type. The data type is string and can be any characters with max 255 characters. See IncorporationType Element.

Message: PaymentProposalRequest, PaymentRemittanceRequest, TradeRequest

PricingConditions Element

This is a new element. It references a pricing condition object for a given line item.

PricingConditions has the following element:

Element Description
ValidityPeriods (required)

References a list of validity periods. See ValidityPeriods Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

Scale Element

This is a new element. It represents the volume scale. There can be more than one cost term per scale.

Scale has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Lower bound value for the scale.


Upper bound value for the scale.

Scale has the following element:

Element Description
CostTermValue (required)

References a pricing condition cost term. See CostTermValue Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

Scales Element

This is a new element. It references a pricing condition scales vector.

Scales has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
scaleType (required)

Represents the scale type for the validity period. Possible values:

  • From
  • To
  • Graduated

Represents the scale basis, a string. The default is "quantity".

Scales has the following element:

Element Description
Scale (required)

Represents the volume scale. See Scale Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

UnitPrice Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Pricing condition that represents the cost elements with validity period and optional scales. See PricingConditions Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

ValidityPeriod Element

This is a new element. It references a pricing condition validity period.

ValidityPeriod has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
from (required)

Start date of the validity period.

to (required)

End date of the validity period.

ValidityPeriod has the following element:

Element Description
ConditionTypes (required)

References a condition types list. See ConditionTypes Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest

ValidityPeriods Element

This is a new element. It references a list of validity periods.

ValidityPeriods has the following element:

Element Description
ValidityPeriod (required)

References a pricing condition validity period. See ValidityPeriod Element.

Message: ContractRequest, QuoteRequest


AcceptanceItem Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Contains the information about the deviation approved when the acceptance status is approvedAndUpdatePO. See AcceptanceItemDetail Element.


Contains any additional information related to this AcceptanceItem.

AcceptanceItemDetail Element

This is a new element. It provides details on an AcceptanceItem.

AcceptanceItemDetail has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

The action generated from the approval process. Possible values:

  • update - Updates an existing item with the lineNumber specified in the AcceptanceItem.
  • replace - Replaces all the schedule information for an existing item with the lineNumber specified in the AcceptanceItem.

AcceptanceItemDetail has the following elements:

Element Description

Contains detailed information for the schedule line. See AcceptanceScheduleDetail Element.


Unit price of the item. If this element is included, the unit price is updated.


Contains any additional information related to this AcceptanceItemDetail.

AcceptanceScheduleDetail Element

This is a new element. It contains detailed information for the schedule line.

AcceptanceScheduleDetail has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
quantity (required)

Quantity approved.


Delivery date approved.


The action generated from the approval process. Possible values:

  • new - Generates a new schedule line.
  • update - Updates the schedule line of the specified lineNumber in the AcceptanceScheduleDetail.
  • delete - The schedule line referenced no longer exists and must be deleted. The lineNumber attribute must be present in this case.

The line number of the schedule line to delete or update.

AcceptanceScheduleDetail has the following element:

Element Description

Contains any additional information related to this AcceptanceScheduleDetail.

ApprovalRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains any additional information related to this ApprovalRequestHeader.

AssetInfo Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

Indicates whether the asset info is for a referenced asset associated with the item in the document.


Equipment ID of the unit.

ConfirmationItem Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

Contact Element

The role attribute supports an additional value:

If the contact role is payee, the name under the contact is the supplier organization name. If the contact role is payeeContact, the name under the contact is the supplier contact name.

ContractItemIn Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

IdReference Element

The domain attribute supports an additional value:

InvoiceDetailItem Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

InvoiceDetailServiceItem Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

InvoiceInstruction Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
Lower Specifies tolerances that define a lower limit. See Lower Element.
Upper Specifies tolerances that define an upper limit. See Upper Element.

ItemIn Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

ItemOut Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Provides detailed per-unit asset information for a line item.

NatureOfBusiness Element

This is a new element. It specifies the sector or industry to which a company belongs. It describes what the company does. The data type is a string and can be any characters with a maximum of 255 characters.

OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Provides detailed per-unit asset information for a line item.

PaymentPartner Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Specifies the sector or industry to which a company belongs. It describes what the company does. The data type is a string and can be any characters with max 255 characters. See NatureOfBusiness Element.

QuoteItemIn Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

QuoteItemOut Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

ReceiptItem Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:

SESInstruction Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
Lower Specifies a lower tolerance limit. See Lower Element.
Upper Specifies an upper tolerance limit. See Upper Element.

ShipNoticeItem Element

The itemType attribute now supports the following additional value:


ConfirmationStatus Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines all references related to a schedule line in the confirmation. See ScheduleLineReference Element.

ContractRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains information on how to follow up on a QuoteMessage or ContractRequest. See FollowUpDocument Element.

FollowUpDocument Element

This element is now used in ContractRequestHeader as well as QuoteHeaderInfo. It contains information on how to follow up on a QuoteMessage or ContractRequest.

The type and category attributes could be set to anything, but they should be well known strings that can be understood by the backend system. For example, type could be set to "Contract" and category could be set to "WK" or "value". This would give a hint to the backend system that the next step should be to create a WK Contract.

FollowUpDocument has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Indicates the document type. Possible values are Contract, Scheduling Agreement, or any custom document type.


Indicates the document category.

For an Outline Agreement: Enter value or quantity.

For a Scheduling Agreement: Enter LP or LPA.

For a custom document category: Enter any configured value.

InputItemID Element

This is a new element. It uniquely identifies materials consumed by a resource during the production process.

InputItemID has the following element:

Element Description

Provides unique identification of an item.

ItemIn Element

The following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description

Specifies how a component or material is procured. Possible values:

  • materialUnknown - Refers to procuring a material without specifying the material number.
  • text - Refers to procuring a free-form text item.
  • stockTransfer - Refers to transfer of stock from one plant to another.
  • materialGroup - Refers to procuring a material without specifying the value or quantity.
  • subcontract - Procuring a material by providing component information to a contract manufacturer that makes the finished product.
  • consignment - Managing a material through a special process where the payment to supplier is withheld until the material or service is consumed by the buyer.
  • thirdParty - Procuring a material from a third-party vendor.

ItemOut Element

The following attributes were added or updated:

Attribute Description

Specifies whether the current line item is material or service. Possible values:

  • material
  • service

Specifies how a component or material is procured. Possible values:

  • materialUnknown - Refers to procuring a material without specifying the material number.
  • text - Refers to procuring a free-form text item.
  • stockTransfer - Refers to transfer of stock from one plant to another.
  • materialGroup - Refers to procuring a material without specifying the value or quantity.
  • subcontract - Procuring a material by providing component information to a contract manufacturer that makes the finished product.
  • consignment - Managing a material through a special process where the payment to supplier is withheld until the material or service is consumed by the buyer.
  • thirdParty - Procuring a material from a third-party vendor.

OutputItemID Element

This is a new element. It uniquely identifies materials produced by a resource during the production process.

OutputItemID has the following element:

Element Description

Provides unique identification of an item.

PlanningTimeSeries Element

The type attribute has a new value, capacitydemand:

Attribute Description
type (required)

A string value to identify the type time series. Possible values:

  • grossdemand - Quantity that is considered as demand without taking inventory and receipts into consideration.
  • netdemand - Quantity determined based on available inventory and receipts derived based on planning output.
  • supplyPlan - Quantity derived to meet the demand based on supply planning.
  • longtermforecast - Forecast quantity derived based on historical trends.
  • constrainedforecast - Unconstrained forecast when limited by supply constraints results in constrained forecast.
  • capacitydemand - Quantity of production output that is requested from a specific resource.
  • custom - Buyer specific business values could be represented by the customType string.

ProductActivityHeader Element

The processType attribute has a new value, Capacity:

Attribute Description

Identifies the business process supported by the message. Possible values:

  • SMI - Supplier-managed inventory (Inventory, ConsignmentInventory, PlanningTimeSeries, InventoryTimeSeries).
  • OEM - OEM-owned inventory scenarios (Inventory, ConsignmentInventory, TimeSeries, PlanningTimeSeries, InventoryTimeSeries).
  • VMI - Vendor-managed inventory (Inventory, ConsignmentInventory, PlanningTimeSeries, InventoryTimeSeries).
  • 3PL - Third-party logistics inventory scenarios (Inventory, ConsignmentInventory, PlanningTimeSeries, InventoryTimeSeries).
  • ManufacturingVisibility - Contract manufacturers sharing inventory visibility (Inventory, ConsignmentInventory, PlanningTimeSeries, InventoryTimeSeries).
  • Forecast - Forecast collaboration (TimeSeries, PlanningTimeSeries).
  • Consignment - Consignment material movements (ConsignmentInventory, ConsagnmentMovement).
  • Sales - Sales report visibility (SalesReport)
  • POC - Purchase order collaboration scenarios (Inventory, ConsignmentInventory, TimeSeries, PlanningTimeSeries).
  • Capacity - Capacity planning scenarios (PlanningTimeSeries).
  • Other - Other collaboration scenarios.

ProductActivityDetails Element

A new ResourceID element was added as an alternative to ItemID:

Element Description
ItemID | ResourceID
  • ItemID: A unique identification of a component item in the supplier backend system or buyer backend system.
  • ResourceID: A unique identification of a production facility leveraged during production, such as a piece of equipment or a production line.

ProductReplenishmentHeader Element

The processType attribute has a new value, Capacity.

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

A new ResourceID element was added as an alternative to ItemID.

ReplenishmentTimeSeries Element

The type attribute has two new values, capacityConfirmation and capacityShiftRuns.

Here is the full list of type values:

ResourceID Element

This is a new element. It contains a unique identification of a production facility leveraged during production, such as a piece of equipment or a production line.

ResourceID has the following elements:

Element Description
SupplierResourceID (required)

Uniquely identifies a plant, piece equipment or other production facilities leveraged by the supplier during production.


Identifies the resource category the ResourceID belongs to.


Uniquely identifies materials consumed by a resource during production process.


Uniquely identifies materials produced by a resource during production process.


Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

ResourceType Element

This is a new element. It identifies the resource category the ResourceID belongs to.

ScheduleLineReference Element

This is a new element. It defines all references related to a schedule line in the confirmation.

ScheduleLineReference has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
quantity (required)

Quantity from the ScheduleLine element of the OrderRequest document that the current document is referring to.

requestedDeliveryDate (required)

Requested delivery date from the ScheduleLine element of the OrderRequest document that the current document is referring to.


Line number identifier from the ScheduleLine element of the OrderRequest document that the current document is referring to.

ScheduleLineReference has the following element:

Element Description

Contains any additional information related to this ScheduleLineReference.

SupplierResourceID Element

This is a new element. It uniquely identifies a plant, piece of equipment, or other production facilities leveraged by the supplier during production.

Tax Element

This following element was added:

Element Description

The adjustment amount for the total tax for the document or in other words the adjustment amount corresponding to tax represented by this Tax element and is optional (this is supposedly the sum of the amounts in TaxAdjustmentAmount elements under the TaxDetail children of this Tax element). Currently, this element is ONLY supported for the PaymentProposalRequest document. It is used instead of the TaxAdjustment element (now deprecated).

TaxAdjustment Element

This element is deprecated in the PaymentProposalRequest document in cXML 1.2.042. Use the Tax.TaxAdjustmentAmount element instead.

TaxAdjustmentAmount Element

This is a new element. It is used with a PaymentProposalRequest document to specify the adjustments on tax for the payable. If it is included under the Tax element then it is used to specify the adjustment for total tax in the PaymentProposalRequest document. If it is included under the TaxDetail element then it specifies the adjustment for tax for a specific tax category and region.

TaxAdjustmentAmount has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required)

Describes the adjustment for the tax (either for Tax or TaxDetail) given on the payable.

TaxAdjustmentDetail Element

This element is deprecated in the PaymentProposalRequest document in cXML 1.2.042. Use the TaxDetail.TaxAdjustmentAmount element instead.

TaxDetail Element

This following element was added:

Element Description

The adjustment amount for the tax for the specific tax line (tax for a specific category and location) or in other words the adjustment amount corresponding to tax represented by this TaxDetail element. Currently, this element is ONLY supported for the PaymentProposalRequest document. It is used instead of the TaxAdjustmentDetail element (now deprecated).


ComponentConsumptionDetails Element

This following element was added:

Element Description

Specifies item dimensions.

ComponentConsumptionItem Element

This following element was added:

Element Description

Provides asset tag numbers or serial numbers for individual items in a shipment of goods.

ItemOutIndustry Element

This following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

Set to yes to indicate that real time consumption is required for this item.


Set to yes to indicate that a handling unit is required for this item. A handling unit is a physical unit consisting of packaging materials (load carriers/packing material) and the goods contained on or in it.

QNCode Element

This following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description
domain (required)

Domain in which this value has meaning. Recognized domains include:

  • type - Quality notification type, does not have a code group.
  • subject - Quality notification subject (category).
  • reason - Reason of defect.
  • task - Quality notification task.
  • activity - Quality notification activity.
  • defect - Quality notification defect.
  • defectLocation - Area where a quality notification defect occurs (used in QualityNotificationRequestItem only).
  • cause - Quality notification cause.
  • revision - Quality notification revision.

QualityNotificationRequestItem Element

This following element was updated:

Element Description

QualityNoficationRequestItem now supports multiple QNCode elements, which contain quality notification codes and their descriptions in different domains. A code with domain "defect" represents the defect's category/subcategory. A code with domain "defectLocation" represents the area where the defect occurs. Only one defect location code is allowed per item.


ScheduleLine Element

This following element was added:

Element Description

The ship to address for an item.


AcceptanceItem Element

This is a new element. It provides details about a specific approval of a line item. An ApprovalRequest can contain one or more AcceptanceItem elements.

AcceptanceItem has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
lineNumber (required)

Number of the line item.

acceptanceStatus (required)

Acceptance status of the line item. Possible values:

  • approved
  • awaitingApproval
  • rejected
  • approvedAndUpdatePO

AcceptanceItem has the following elements:

Element Description

Deviation reason why it is not approved.


Contains comments associated with this acceptance item.

AllowedValues Element

You can now use the PropertyValue element to provide the unit of measure of the allowed values by characteristic.

ApprovalItem Element

Usage of ApprovalItem is deprecated. Use AcceptanceItem instead.

ApprovalRequest Element

The following element replaces ApprovalItem, which is deprecated:

Element Description

Provides details about a specific approval of a line item. See AcceptanceItem Element.

BatchInfo Element

This is a new element. It controls whether the batch information is required or not for an item when a supplier creates an order response. It has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Set to yes to indicate that this item requires a batch number to be provided by the supplier in the Batch element in the ShipNoticeItem/ConfirmationStatus element of the corresponding ShipNoticeRequest/ConfirmationRequest documents.

BlanketItemDetail Element

The following elements were added::

Element Description

Defines a maximum amount for contract items, as specified by the buyer. See MaxContractAmount Element.


Defines a maximum amount for unplanned items, as specified by the buyer. See MaxAdhocAmount Element.

CertificateInfo Element

This is a new element. It represents certificate information.

CertificateInfo has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Indicates whether the certificate is required.

CertificateInfo has the following element:

Element Description

Use this element to send Quality Material Control Code and Inspection Certificate type information.

For Quality Material Control Code, the domain is "controlCode".

For Inspection Certificate type, the domain is "certificateType".

DeviationReason Element

This is a new element. It represents the deviation reason.

DeviationReason has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value (required)

Type of deviation. Possible values:

  • dateDeviation
  • quantityDeviation
  • priceDeviation

DeviationReason has the following element:

Element Description

Contains comments associated with this deviation reason.

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Controls whether the batch information is required or not for an item when a supplier creates an order response. See BatchInfo Element.

MaxAdhocAmount Element

This is a new element. It defines a maximum amount for ad-hoc (non-contract) items, as specified by the buyer.

MaxAdhocAmount has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required)

Monetary amount.

MaxContractAmount Element

This is a new element. It defines a maximum amount for contract items, as specified by the buyer.

MaxContractAmount has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required)

Monetary amount.

OrderRequestHeader Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Identifies legal entity in the external system.


Identifies purchase unit or purchase group in the external system.

OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Represents of the quality information for the entire OrderRequest.

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Represents the required serial number information for a line item. For Component Inventory, the SerialNumberInfo@type must be "list" or "range".

QualityInfo Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Represents certificate information. Each QualityInfo element supports one certificate. See CertificateInfo Element.

QualityInspectionRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains a list of asset information of the complaint items.

QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains list of asset information of the valuated items.

QualityNotificationRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains the list of asset information of the complaint items.

QualityNotificationRequestItem Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains the list of asset information of the complaint items.

QualityNotificationTask Element

The following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description

Current state of execution of this task. Possible values:

  • new (default)
  • in-process
  • complete
  • close

The close status is new. It is the final step when a task is considered closed.

QualitySampleResult Element

You can now use PropertyValue@Characteristic to provide the unit of measure for each QualityInspectionValuation.

QuoteItemOut Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Defines the way suppliers are selected for responding to RFQ.

ReceiptItemReference Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains additional document reference information.

ReferenceDocumentInfo Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Schedule line number of a schedule item in the referenced lineNumber. If this attribute has a value, the lineNumber attribute is mandatory.

SalesOrderHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains common information about a sales order.

SalesOrderHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
salesOrderID (required)

An identifier for this particular sale order assigned by the supplier. This attribute provides an unambiguous and direct connection between all versions of the sale order. A user-visible and secondary (to the payloadID attribute of the cXML element) identifier for this document. This value should remain same for all SalesOrderRequests corresponding to the same order.

The salesOrderID may be used in the procurement application for processing this request. Links between these documents must be deduced using the DocumentReference element contained in the updated SalesOrderHeader and the payloadID attribute of the original or previous update.


The operational mode of the sales order document. Possible values:

  • new
  • (default) - Creates a new sales order.
  • update - Updates an existing sale order to correct an error or add additional information. In either case, an "update" sales order must be complete. All data from the original sale order or a previous update should be discarded by the recipient.
  • cancel - Cancels a sale order sent earlier.

A SalesOrderRequest with an "update" operation must also include a DocumentReference element in the SalesOrderHeader. This effectively sequences multiple versions of a confirmation and may provide a link between those versions.

operationAllowed (required)

Highest operation allowed on the shopping basket in the procurement application. Possible values:

  • create - Allows only later OrderRequest operations on these items.
  • "inspect" - Adds a PunchOutSetupRequest with operation="inspect".
  • edit - Allows operation="edit" in the later punchout setup request.
noticeDate (required)

The date and time this sale order was created.


The supplier system order version number for this request. Relevant when the SalesOrderRequest represents a change order request. The version number for the original document should be 1 and should be incremented by 1 for each subsequent version.


Indicates the action expected by the supplier who initiates the sales document. Possible values:

  • buy - The buyer will create a Sales Order.
  • sell - The buyer will create a Purchase Order.
  • visibility - The supplier is sending the sales document for visibility on another purchase order from a third party.

SalesOrderHeader has the following elements:

Element Description

Required when the operation is "update". It contains a reference to the most recent SalesOrderRequest document for this particular sales order (usually also indicated by a common salesOrderID). For example, when a sale order is created, updated, and then updated again, the final document must contain a DocumentReference referring to the previous sales order request with operation="update". That document must, in turn, refer to the original (operation="new") SalesOrderRequest document.


The total of the sales order request.


Indicates taxes that are applicable to this sales order request.

Contact (required)

Uniquely identifies the requester in the procurement application. There must a contact with the role of "requester" along with the details of the requester.


Contains comments associated with this sales order request.


Contains any additional information related to this sales order request.

SalesOrderRequest Element

This is a new element. It represents a sales order request, which contains the shopping basket data sent to the procurement application from the supplier.

SalesOrderRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
SalesOrderHeader (required)

Contains common information about a sales order request. See SalesOrderHeader Element.


Contains an item from a shopping basket to add to a requisition in the procurement application.

SerialNumberInfo Element

The type attribute is now optional.

ServiceEntryRequestHeader Element

This element now supports multiple Comments elements. They can be used to attach quality certificates that were required in a service PO. In this case, one comment will be provided by attachment, and the certificate type will be provided in the Comments@type attribute.

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Set to "yes" to indicate that this item is closed, and no more deliveries are expected for it.

ShipNoticeHeader Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Contains additional document reference information.


Identifies legal entity in the external system.


Identifies Purchase Unit or Purchase group in the external system.

ShipNoticeItem Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains additional document reference information.

ShipNoticePortion Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Contains additional document reference information.


InvoiceInstruction Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Specifies whether a buyer or supplier is allowed to update the unit price while creating an invoice. Possible values:

  • yes - Buyer or supplier is allowed to edit unit price. The new price must be within price tolerance.
  • no - The unit price is not editable regardless of transaction rules defined in the network hub.

If the unitPriceEditable attribute is not present, the system honors the default transaction rules present in the network hub.

SESInstruction Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Specifies whether a buyer or supplier is allowed to update the unit price while creating a service sheet. Possible values:

  • yes - Buyer or supplier is allowed to edit unit price. The new price must be within price tolerance.
  • no - The unit price is not editable regardless of transaction rules defined in the network hub.

If the unitPriceEditable attribute is not present, the system honors the default transaction rules present in the network hub.


Alternative Element

This is a new element. It represents an alternative option to service specification lines. If an alternative is specified, it consists of a basic line and one or more alternative lines.

Alternative has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
alternativeType (required)

The alternative type of a service line item. Possible values:

  • noAlternative - Describes a service that cannot be performed in alternative ways.
  • basicLine - Describes a service that can be performed in alternative ways. There are one or more alternative lines for each basic line. The value of a basic line is included in the total value of the service specifications.
  • alternativeLine - Describes a different way of performing a service or doing work than that set out in the associated basic line. The value of an alternative line is not included in the total value of the service specifications. Example: If flooring is to be renewed, you may want to enter one service line for parquetry flooring and an alternative line for ceramic tiles.

When an alternative type is set as alternativeLine, the line number of the service line whose alternative type is set as basicLine is set here. This enables this service line item to identify for which service line item this is alternative to.

Batch Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Quantity for a batch of material or goods.

ComponentConsumptionDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Provides asset tag numbers or serial numbers for individual items in a shipment of goods.

ConsignmentMovement Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Contains details of a referenced document in the consignment procurement process such as a purchase order, scheduling agreement, ship notice, and receipt.


Contains any additional information for this consignment movement.

ContractItemIn Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

Specifies whether the line item is a grouped item having child items or an independent line item. Possible values are "composite" to identify an item group or "item" to identify an independent line item.

This attribute is applicable only for a line item with an item group.


Represents the type of the service line. Possible values:

  • standard
  • blanket
  • contingency
  • openquantity
  • information

The following element was added:

Element Description

An alternative option to service specification lines. See Alternative Element.

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Represents the serial number information of a line item.

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The unit of measure for an inventory/forecast/consignment quantity at the item level. This applies to the entire item and is used as the default unit of measure for time series quantities.

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The unit of measure for an inventory/forecast/consignment quantity at the item level. This applies to the entire item and is used as the default unit of measure for time series quantities.

QualityInspectionCharacteristic Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Indicates whether the characteristic does not exist in the reference document and is an additional valuation.

QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The quantity of inventory that is under quality inspection. This element has a quantity attribute and a UnitOfMeasure element.

Inspection lot quantity could be filled by supplier based on the inspected quantity on QualityInspectionResult. Generally, it is sent by the buyer, but if not the contract manufacturer can provide this quantity based on the inspection lot.

QualityInspectionValuation Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Indicates whether the characteristic does not exist in the reference document and is an additional valuation.

QualityNotificationRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Reference to the quality inspection request.

The reference can contain the payloadId or DocumentNumber and DocumentDate of the quality inspection request. This is used in the case when quality inspection results are not met successfully and a quality notification is created with reference to the quality inspection request.

QuoteItemIn Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

An alternative option to service specification lines. See Alternative Element.

QuoteItemOut Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

An alternative option to service specification lines. See Alternative Element.

SerialNumberInfo Element

This is a new element. It represents the serial number information of a line item.

SerialNumberInfo has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Indicates whether this item requires a serial number to be provided by the supplier in AssetInfo tags in ShipNoticeItem element of the corresponding ship notice.

type (required)

Specifies the type of serial number number. Possible values:

  • list - A list of acceptable serial numbers.
  • range - A range of acceptable serial numbers, only valid for numeric ranges.
  • profile - A format of acceptable serial numbers.

SerialNumberInfo has the following elements:

Element Description

List of serial numbers. Required when SerialNumberInfo@type is "list".


When SerialNumberInfo@type is "range", minimum and maximum acceptable limits should be provided in the PropertyValue element. In this case, PropertyValue@name should be "range" and PropertyValue@Characteristic should provide the minimum and maximum values in the Characteristic@value attribute with "minimum" and "maximum" as domains in the Characteristic@domain attribute.

When SerialNumberInfo@type is "profile", a serial number format should be provided in the PropertyValue element. In this case, PropertyValue@name should be "profile" and PropertyValue@Characteristic should provide the format. Characteristic@domain supports "type", "minLength", and "maxLength" as domains to provide these values in Characteristic@value attribute.

When Characteristic@domain is "type", Characteristic@value supports "numeric", "text", and "numericAndText" to provide the serial number format.

When Characteristic@domain is "minLength", Characteristic@value provides the minimum acceptable length of the serial number.

When Characteristic@domain is "maxLength", Characteristic@value provides the maximum acceptable length of the serial number.

ShipNoticeItem Element

The following element was added or updated:

Element Description
Batch | SupplierBatchID

You can specify multiple optional Batch or SupplierBatchID elements to identify the batch of goods.


Contains the ship notice item-specific comments. Could be used to attach quality certificates that were required in OrderRequest. In this case, a comment is provided by attachment, and the certificate type is provided by the Comments@type attribute.

TimeSeriesAmount Element

This is a new element. It contains the generic value associated with the timeseries. This can be used for amount- or price-based values.

TimeSeriesAmount has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required)

Monetary amount for the timeseries.

TimeSeriesDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

See TimeSeriesAmount Element.


Batch Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Duration that a product is expected to remain within its approved product specification after production date. This attribute is used for information purposes only.

The lexical representation for duration is the ISO 8601 extended format PnYn MnDTnH nMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, T the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes and nS the number of seconds. For example, to indicate a duration of 60 days, one would write: P0Y0M60D.

ItemIn Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Specifies how a component or material is procured. Possible values:

  • subcontract - Procuring a material by providing component information to a contract manufacturer that makes the finished product.
  • consignment - Managing a material through a special process where the payment to supplier is withheld until the material or service is consumed by the buyer.
  • thirdParty - Procuring a material from a third-party vendor.

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Price per unit of the item.

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Price per unit of the item.

ReceiptItem Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Classification for the receipt, for instance, Receipt Item Movement Type or Stock Type. Can occur more than once to support multiple classifications.

TimeSeriesDetails Element

The following element was removed:

Element Description

Priority for the given time series.

The following element was added:

Element Description

See TimeSeriesValue Element.

TimeSeriesValue Element

This is a new element. It contains a generic value associated with the timeseries. This can be used for non-numeric values like priority. It is tightly coupled with the keyfigure specified in the TimeSeries.type attribute.

TimeSeriesValue has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value (required)

String value associated with the timeseries.

TimeSeriesValue has the following element:

Element Description

Description of the value.


Attachment Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
visibility Indicates the visibility level of the attachment. Specify the value "internal" to indicate that the attachment is for internal purposes only and should not be visible to suppliers.

DateInfo Element

The type attribute was updated with two new values, confirmedShipDate and confirmedDeliveryDate:

Attribute Description

Date type. Possible values:

  • expectedShipmentDate - expected ship date for the material is used to determine when the supplier is expected to ship the material from their location.
  • productionStartDate - Production start date.
  • productionFinishDate - Production finish date.
  • requestedPickUpDate - Pick up date as requested by the party arranging the transport.
  • expectedPickUpDate - Date when the logistic provider expects to pick up the materials.
  • actualPickUpDate - Actual pick up date, as it has occurred.
  • requestedDeliveryDate - Delivery date as requested by the party arranging the transport.
  • expectedDeliveryDate - Expected delivery date for the material to be received at the partner location.
  • actualDeliveryDate - Actual delivery date of the goods.
  • confirmedShipDate - Shipment date confirmed by the supplier.
  • confirmedDeliveryDate - Delivery date confirmed by the supplier.

ExpectedResult Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
PropertyValue Contains values for a property. Used to send the expected result for qualitative valuation.

ItemIn Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
openQuantity The quantity pending to be fulfilled by the supplier to ship to the buyer. Example: If the order quantity is 100 and 40 were delivered, the open quantity is 60. The quantity is recorded as the undelivered quantity by the buyer.
promisedQuantity The quantity that has been promised by the supplier. The promised quantity, also called confirmed quantity, is computed in the supplier's backend system based on "Available To Promise" (ATP) functionality. ATP is a function that enables customers' orders to be confirmed based on available inventory or based on incoming commitments from the suppliers.

The following elements were added:

Element Description
ScheduleLine Contains information related to delivery schedules for a line item.
Batch Captures batch information of the customer and supplier for this line item.
DateInfo Contains dates applicable for this line item.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this line item.

OrderStatusRequestItem Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

Information derived from Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) to suggest possible changes to the delivery date. Possible values:

  • in - MRP proposal to reschedule the delivery date earlier than the current delivery date.
  • out - MRP proposal to reschedule the delivery date later than the current delivery date.
  • cancel - MRP proposal to cancel the PO line item.

MRP proposed rescheduled delivery date.

The following element was added:

Element Description

Priority indicator, used to drive the priority of the orders for the suppliers. Indicates the current build priority associated with the PO line item. This value does not update the priority in the PO.

QualityInfo Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Set to yes to indicate that this item requires a quality process.

QualityInspectionCharacteristic Element

The following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description
operationNumber (required)

Inspection operation. The combination of this attribute with characteristicID should be unique.

QualityInspectionDecisionDetail Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Reference to the quality inspection request. The reference can contain the payloadId or DocumentNumber and DocumentDate of the quality inspection request.


Reference to the ship notice request. The reference can contain the payloadId or DocumentNumber and DocumentDate of the ship notice request.


Reference to the receipt request. The reference can contain the payloadId or DocumentNumber and DocumentDate of the receipt request.

QualityInspectionRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

The representation of the quality information of a line item.

QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader Element

This element now supports multiple Batch and Comments elements.

QualityInspectionValuation Element

The following attributes were added or updated:

Attribute Description
characteristicID (required) Characteristic ID number. The combination of this attribute with operationNumber should be unique.
operationNumber (required)

Inspection operation number. The combination of this attribute with characteristicID should be unique.


Work center number.

The QualityInspectionValuation element now supports multiple QualitySampleResult and ValueGroup elements.

QualityNotificationRequestHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
minimumRequiredCauses Number of minimum required causes to complete a defect. It is evaluated only when this attribute is not present at the defect level.

QualitySampleResult Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
PropertyValue Result of the valuation when AllowedValues@type is "choice" in QualityInspectionCharacteristic.

ReceiptItemReference Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Provides a reference to the line item in a prior ShipNoticeRequest document.

TimeSeriesDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description

Priority for the given time series.


AllowedValues Element

This is a new element. It contains values allowed during the valuation of an inspection characteristic.

AllowedValues has the following attribute:

Attribute Description

Type of values. Possible values:

  • numeric
  • decision
  • choice

AllowedValues has the following element:

Element Description

Contains values for valuating a property.

ComparatorInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains information related to a minimum or maximum accepted value.

ComparatorInfo has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
comparatorType (required)

Specify one of the following comparator type values:

  • greater
  • less
  • greaterOrEqual
  • lessOrEqual
comparatorValue (required)

Reference value to make the comparison.

ComponentConsumptionItem Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ScrapQuantity The quantity represents the Scrap of a material that is expected to occur during production if the material is a component. This element has a quantity attribute and a UnitOfMeasure element.

ContractItemIn Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Operation to be performed. Possible values:

  • new - Represents a new contract line item sent to the external system.
  • update - Represents an update to an existing contract line item.
  • delete - Represents an instruction to delete this contract line item in the external system.

ExemptReason Element

This is a new element. It specifies the exemption reason for zero tax.

ExemptReason is not related to the TaxDetail@exemptDetail attribute.

ExemptReason has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
xml:lang (required) The language or locale in which the exemption reason is written.

ExpectedLimit Element

This is a new element. It contains a value that the unplanned services (or the material) covered by this item are not expected to exceed. ExpectedLimit captures the planned or expected value and is mainly used for analysis purposes and for determining the total value of the item. The buyer assumes that ExpectedLimit is the final amount payable. ExpectedLimit is specified only for a top-level service item.

The ExpectedLimit is generally less than the specified OverallLimit. However, ExpectedLimit can also be higher than OverallLimit if the buyer determines that the total sum payable is made available at the start of the procurement project, but initially only services worth a value of up to the OverallLimit may be performed. Further work can only be carried out if the buyer increases the OverallLimit. This enables progressive allotment of the budget to different phases of the project.

ExpectedLimit has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required) Monetary amount for the expected limit.

ExpectedResult Element

This is a new element. It contains the expected result for a measurement.

ExpectedResult has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
targetValue Target value for the measurement.
valuePrecision Integer specifying the number of decimal places to include in the result.
qualitativeValue A non-numerical value (a string) to send the expected result for qualitative valuation.

ExpectedResult has the following elements:

Element Description
MinimumLimit Minimum acceptable value.
MaximumLimit Maximum acceptable value.

InvoiceDetailItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
isAdHoc Indicates the item does not exist in the reference document or contract master agreement.

InvoiceDetailLineIndicator Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Set to yes if a line-item credit memo or debit memo has a price adjustment.

InvoiceDetailRequestHeader Element

The following attribute was updated, adding support for lineLevelDebitMemo:

Attribute Description

Purpose of the invoice. Possible values:

  • standard - (default) A standard billing statement from the supplier to the buying organization.
  • creditMemo - A credit memo for issuing credit to the buying organization. isHeaderInvoice must be yes. Also, the element InvoiceDetailSummary/DueAmount must be a negative amount.
  • debitMemo - A debit memo for billing a balance owed by the buying organization. isHeaderInvoice must be yes. Also, the element InvoiceDetailSummary/DueAmount must be a positive amount.
  • lineLevelCreditMemo - A line-item credit memo for issuing credit to the buying organization. isHeaderInvoice must be false (not specified). Also, the element InvoiceDetailSummary/DueAmount must be a negative amount.
  • lineLevelDebitMemo - A line-item debit memo billing a balance owed by the buyer to the supplier. isHeaderInvoice must be false (not specified). Also, the element InvoiceDetailSummary/DueAmount must be a positive amount.

InvoiceDetailServiceItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
isAdHoc Indicates the item does not exist in the reference document or contract master agreement.

ItemDetail Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

See OverallLimit Element.


See ExpectedLimit Element.

ItemOut Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

The buyer's ERP system determines the subcontracting type based on the material provision indicator determined to support the regular subcontracting refurbishments or replacements scenarios. Possible values:

  • regular - Standard subcontracting scenario.
  • refurbWithoutChange - Refurbishment without changed material.
  • refurbWithChange - Refurbishment with changed material.
  • replacement - Replacement of the materials.

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
QualityInfo See QualityInfo Element.

ItemStatus Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
parentLineNumber The line number of the corresponding parent line item to identify this item's hierarchical parent item in a response message.

MaximumLimit Element

This is a new element. It contains the maximum acceptable value for the expected result of a measurement.

MaximumLimit has the following element:

Element Description
ComparatorInfo (required) See ComparatorInfo Element.

MinimumLimit Element

This is a new element. It contains the minimum acceptable value for the expected result of a measurement.

MinimumLimit has the following element:

Element Description
ComparatorInfo (required) See ComparatorInfo Element.

NewMaterialQuantity Element

This is a new element. It represents the quantity of stock to post as new material.

NewMaterialQuantity has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
quantity The quantity to post as new material stock.

NewMaterialQuantity has the following element:

Element Description
UnitOfMeasure The unit of measure for the quantity. It must conform with UN/CEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes.

OverallLimit Element

This is a new element. It contains the maximum value that the total of all unplanned services (or the value of the material) covered by this item may not exceed. This limit represents a budget for unplanned services, and it must not be exceeded. This limit can be used in service lines and the items of blanket purchase orders. At service outline level (top-level service item), this field captures limit for the total of all unplanned services (or the value of the material). At service item level, it captures the sub-limits (the budget for that item).

OverallLimit has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required) Monetary amount for the overall limit.

PaymentProposalRequest Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
companyCode The buyer's paying company code for this payment proposal.

QualityInfo Element

This is a new element. It represents the quality information requirements for a line item.

QualityInfo has the following element:

Element Description
IdReference Contains quality material control code and inspection certificate type information for the line item. For quality material control code, the domain is "controlCode". For inspection certificate type, the domain is "certificateType".

QualityInspectionCharacteristic Element

This is a new element. It represents an inspection characteristic that describes what should be inspected.

QualityInspectionCharacteristic has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
characteristicID (required) Characteristic ID number.
operationNumber Inspection operation number.
workCenter Work center number.
procedure A text value that specifies how the sample size is calculated and how the inspection characteristic is assigned values.
isLocked Set to yes to indicate that a characteristic is locked and no further valuations are allowed.
allowDefectRecording Set to yes to indicate that defect recording is allowed. If an inspection characteristic is rejected during results recording, the function for recording defects for a characteristic is automatically invoked.

You use inspection characteristics to describe the inspection criteria for materials, parts, and products. This allows you to plan inspections systematically, uniformly, and economically. An inspection request can contain different type of characteristics some required, optional, or conditional.

Specify one of the following values:

  • required - The inspection of this characteristic is required to create an inspection decision.
  • optional - The inspection of this characteristic is not required to create an inspection decision.
  • afterAccept - This conditional inspection characteristic must be inspected if the previous required characteristic was accepted.
  • afterRejection - This conditional inspection characteristic must be inspected if the previous required characteristic was rejected.
isQuantitative Set to yes if this characteristic uses a numerical measurement. Otherwise, the characteristic uses a non-numerical, qualitative measurement.

Indicates how the valuation will be sent for this characteristic:

  • singleResult - Single values for each inspection characteristic.
  • summarizedRecording - Summarized values for each inspection characteristic.
  • noCharacteristicRecording - No characteristic record.
  • classedRecording - Classed values for each inspection characteristic.
expirationDate Expiration date of the characteristic.
inspectionPoint Inspection point types for equipment, functional locations, physical samples, or production. These inspection point types can be assigned individually in the user specifications, if required.
version Version of characteristic. If any of the attributes change for the characteristic, the ERP generates another version for it.

QualityInspectionCharacteristic has the following elements:

Element Description
Description Quality inspection request description.

Describes the code and description of the buyer characteristic, supplier characteristic, inspection method and additional information. Possible domain values are:

  • buyerInspectionCode - Customer characteristic
  • supplierInspectionCode - Supplier characteristic
  • inspectionMethod - Inspection method
  • additionalInfo - Additional information
AllowedValues Allowed values during the valuation.
ExpectedResult Expected result for this characteristic, which is used to calculate the conformance and non-conformance samples by characteristic.
SampleDefinition Contains the sample size and sample type.
Comments Contains comments associated with this characteristic.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this characteristic.

QualityInspectionDecisionDetail Element

This is a new element. It contains information from the quality inspection decision, such as the inspection result reference, quality quantity details, and the usage decision.

QualityInspectionDecisionDetail has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
decisionID (required) Network hub document number for the quality inspection decision request.
decisionDate (required) Quality inspection decision request date and time.
status Usage decision status. Possible values are "accepted" and "rejected".
qualityScore Quality score for this inspection decision.
createdBy The user who created the quality inspection decision request.

QualityInspectionDecisionDetail has the following elements:

Element Description
QualityInspectionResultReference (required) Reference to the inspection result to confirm that all physical samples have been assigned values and the inspection has been completed. The reference can contain the payloadId or DocumentNumber and DocumentDate of the inspection result.
QualityInspectionLotStock (required) Contains information about what happened to the stock posting. For example, it could include the scrap quantity or the unrestricted use quantity from the ERP.
ValueGroup Structure to support codes and code groups for this inspection decision.
Description Description of the quality inspection decision.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this inspection decision.

QualityInspectionDecisionRequest Element

This is a new element. It contains a request to confirm that all physical samples have been assigned values and the inspection has been completed.

QualityInspectionDecisionRequest has the following element:

Element Description
QualityInspectionDecisionDetail (required) See QualityInspectionDecisionDetail Element.

QualityInspectionLotStock Element

This is a new element. It represents the posting of stock quantities from an inspection lot within the Quality Management module. An inspection lot is a formal request to examine a specific quantity of materials at a plant.

QualityInspectionLotStock has the following elements:

Element Description
UnrestrictedUseQuantity The quantity of stock to post as unrestricted stock. Unrestricted stock is the physical stock that is always available at a plant/storage location that can be consumed for stock movements and available for material requirements planning.
ScrapQuantity The quantity of stock to post as scrap. Scrap of material is expected to occur during production if the material is a component.
SampleUsageQuantity The quantity of stock to post as sample usage stock.
BlockedQuantity The quantity of stock to post as blocked stock. Blocked stock is not counted as unrestricted stock and is not available for material requirements planning.
NewMaterialQuantity The quantity of stock to post as new material.
ReserveQuantity The quantity of stock to post as reserve stock.
ReturnQuantity The quantity of stock in the inspection lot that was returned.

QualityInspectionRequest Element

This is a new element. It represents a request to examine a specific quantity of materials at a plant.

QualityInspectionRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
QualityInspectionRequestHeader (required) Contains data that is relevant for the entire quality inspection. This includes data about the partners, locations, reference documents, and item information.
QualityInspectionRequestDetail (required) Contains details about the quality inspection request.

QualityInspectionRequestDetail Element

This is a new element. It contains details about a quality inspection request.

QualityInspectionRequestDetail has the following element:

Element Description
QualityInspectionCharacteristic (required) See QualityInspectionCharacteristic Element.

QualityInspectionRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains common information about the quality inspection request.

QualityInspectionRespectHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
requestID (required) Network hub document number for the quality inspection request.
requestDate (required) Quality inspection request date and time.

Operation to be performed. Possible values:

  • new (default) - Creates a new quality inspection request.
  • update - Updates an existing quality inspection request.
  • delete - Cancels an existing quality inspection request.

For update and delete operations, the DocumentReference element should indicate the original quality inspection request.

version Version number of this document if the current operation is update.
createdBy User who created the quality inspection request.

QualityInspectionRespectHeader has the following elements:

Element Description

Reference to an earlier quality inspection request.

If the QualityInspectionRequestHeader@operation is "update", the DocumentReference is required and it must reference the original QualityInspectionRequest document (with value "new" for its QualityInspectionRequest@operation) during the same quality inspection process.

If the attribute QualityInspectionRequestHeader@operation is "delete", the DocumentReference is required and it must reference the original QualityInspectionRequest document (with value "new" or "update" for its QualityInspectionRequest@operation) during the same quality inspection process.

IdReference Inspection type specified by code and description. The domain should be "inspectionType", and the identifier should be the code for the inspection type.
ShipTo Optional ShipTo address for the item if it is not related to referenced purchase order or goods receipt.
BillTo Optional BillTo address for the item if it is not related to referenced purchase order or goods receipt.
Contact Related contacts like buyerParty, sellerParty, senderBusinessSystemID, senderParty, receipientParty, or componentSupplier.
Period Start and end date of the quality inspection request.
Priority Priority of the quality inspection.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Reference to the purchase order or goods receipt on which the quality inspection request is reported. A quality inspection request concerns only a single item.
ItemInfo Contains information about the goods.
SampleDefinition Contains the sample size.
Batch Captures batch information of the customer and supplier.
Comments Contains comments associated with this quality inspection request.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this quality inspection request.

QualityInspectionRequestReference Element

This is a new element. It defines the ID of a quality inspection request document.

QualityInspectionRequestReference has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
inspectionID ID of a quality inspection request document.
inspectionDate Date and time the quality inspection request document was created.

QualityInspectionRequestReference has the following element:

Element Description
DocumentReference Reference to an earlier quality inspection request.

QualityInspectionResultReference Element

This is a new element. It defines the ID of a quality inspection result document.

QualityInspectionResultReference has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
inspectionID ID of a quality inspection result document.
inspectionDate Date and time the quality inspection result document was created.

QualityInspectionResultReference has the following element:

Element Description
DocumentReference Reference to an earlier quality inspection result.

QualityInspectionResultRequest Element

This is a new element. It contains the supplier result for a quality inspection request, including valuations for all characteristics specified in the quality inspection.

QualityInspectionResultRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader (required) Contains common information about a quality inspection result.
QualityInspectionResultRequestDetail (required) Contains details about a quality inspection result.

QualityInspectionResultRequestDetail Element

This is a new element. It contains details about quality inspection result.

QualityInspectionResultRequestDetail has the following element:

Element Description
QualityInspectionValuation (required) Contains the valuation of a characteristic of an inspection request.

QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains common information about a quality inspection result.

QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
resultID (required) Network hub document number for the quality inspection result.
resultDate (required) Quality inspection result date and time.
version Version of the document.
createdBy User who created the quality inspection result.

QualityInspectionResultRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
QualityInspectionRequestReference (required) Reference to the quality inspection request, which can contain the payloadId or the inspectionID and inspectionDate of the quality inspection request.
Batch Captures batch information of the customer and supplier.
Comments Contains comments associated with this quality inspection result request.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this quality inspection result request.

QualityInspectionValuation Element

This is a new element. It contains the valuation of a characteristic specified in an inspection request.

QualityInspectionValuation has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
valuationID (required) Number of the valuation.
characteristicID Characteristic ID number.
meanValue Mean value in the valuation.
aboveTolerance Number of samples above tolerance limit.
belowTolerance Number of samples below tolerance limit.
inspectedQuantity Number of samples inspected.
nonConformance Total number of samples above and below tolerance limits. This value is auto-calculated when suppliers specify the aboveTolerance or belowTolerance values. Otherwise, suppliers can specify the nonConformance value.
deviation Standard deviation value.
variance Variance of valid measured values for this characteristic. Applies to calculated characteristics for which the valuation is based on a formula.
numberOfDefects Number of the defects in this valuation.
serialNumber Single unit number for the unit to be inspected.
inspectionDate Date of the characteristic inspection.

QualityInspectionValuation has the following elements:

Element Description
QualitySampleResult (required) Valuation for each sample inspected.
ValueGroup (required) Structure to support codes and code groups for this valuation.
Description Valuation description.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this valuation.

QualitySampleResult Element

This is a new element. It contains the sample result after valuation.

QualitySampleResult has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
sampleID Sample number in valuation.
unitValue Value of the sample.
physicalSampleNumber Unique number for the sample when the sample was taken.

QuoteHeaderInfo Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
DocumentReference Contains the payload ID of a previous QuoteMessage that was sent in a response.

QuoteItemIn Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
parentLineNumber Position (counting from 1) of this item's parent in a QuoteRequest. Used to maintain a hierarchical reference between items in documents.

Specifies whether the line item is a grouped item having child items or an independent line item. Possible values are "composite" to identify an item group or "item" to identify an independent line item.

This attribute is applicable only for a line item with an item group.


Represents the type of the service line. Possible values:

  • standard - Standard service.
  • blanket - Blanket service for which you don't specify a quantity. It is settled as a lump sum.
  • contingency - A service that is not absolutely necessary to perform the order.
  • openquantity - A service for which the sold-to party requires that the bidder offer the quantity for a specific partial service.
  • information - The line type does not describe a service and is for information purposes only.

QuoteItemOut Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

See QuoteItemIn@serviceLineType.


See QuoteItemIn@parentLineNumber.


See QuoteItemIn@itemType.

ReserveQuantity Element

This is a new element. It represents the quantity of stock to post as reserve stock.

ReserveQuantity has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
quantity The quantity to post as reserve stock.

ReserveQuantity has the following element:

Element Description
UnitOfMeasure The unit of measure for the quantity. It must conform with UN/CEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes.

SampleDefinition Element

This is a new element. It defines the sample used for inspection.

SampleDefinition has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
sampleSize Number of the samples required.

Sample type. Possible values:

  • samplingProcedure - A sampling procedure must be assigned when the master inspection characteristic is used in the task list or in the material specification (optional for an inspection with a material specification).
  • additiveSample - When samples are calculated, the size of the partial sample is increased by the quantity that is required for the inspection of this characteristic.
  • destructiveSample - The sample should be destroyed after inspection. This means that it is no longer available. This quantity is used in the usage decision as the proposed quantity for the posting to sample.
  • spcCharacteristic - A statistical process control chart should be run.

SampleUsageQuantity Element

This is a new element. It represents the quantity of stock to post as sample usage stock.

SampleUsageQuantity has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
quantity The quantity to post as sample usage stock.

SampleUsageQuantity has the following element:

Element Description
UnitOfMeasure The unit of measure for the quantity. It must conform with UN/CEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes.

ServiceEntryItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
isAdHoc Indicates the item does not exist in the reference document or contract master agreement..

SubtractingComponent Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

The material provision indicator used to identify the subcontracting type of a part for the components. Possible values:

  • reworkTo - Rework material to subcontractor.
  • reworkFrom - Rework material from subcontractor.
  • regular - Vendor provides stock.

TaxDetail Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
TaxExemption See TaxExemption Element.

TaxExemption Element

This is a new element. It contains a tax exemption code and reason, which is required to claim an exemption from taxes for some tax authorities, such as Portugal SAF-T.

TaxExemption has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
exemptCode (required) Specifies the code against which the tax is exempted.

TaxExemption has the following element:

Element Description
ExemptReason Specifies the exemption reason for zero tax. See ExemptReason Element.


AdditionalQNInfo Element

This is a new element. It provides additional information about a quality notification, such as part numbers (customer or supplier), batch information, or other information.

AdditionalQNInfo has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
lineNumber (required) Represents the AdditionalQNInfo line number.

AdditionalQNInfo has the following elements:

Element Description

Represents the supplier part number and customer part number.

To provide a plant location description, the domain attribute of the element IdReference should be set to "buyerLocationID", "supplierLocationID" or "storageLocation" and the identifier to the plantID.

Batch Captures batch information of the customer and supplier.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this element.

Batch Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
inspectionDate Date on which when a batch of material/goods will be inspected.

InvoiceInstruction Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
verificationType The only supported value is goodsReceipt, which indicates that invoice verification for this item is based on the goods receipt. The invoice item can then be matched up uniquely with the goods receipt item. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification makes sense when you expect a delivery to be made and posted in several parts.

OwnerInfo Element

This is a new element. It describes the owner information of a defect, task, cause or activity.

OwnerInfo has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
owner (required) Owner of the element. This attribute should contain the userId.
role (required) Role of the owner. Possible values are customer or supplier.

PlanningTimeSeries Element

This is a new element. It contains planning information from buyers ERP system to provide visibility of critical business information to suppliers and other partners.

PlanningTimeSeries has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type (required)

A string value to identify the type time series. Possible values:

  • grossdemand - Quantity that is considered as demand without taking inventory and receipts into consideration.
  • netdemand - Quantity determined based on available inventory and receipts derived based on planning output.
  • supplyPlan - Quantity derived to meet the demand based on supply planning.
  • longtermforecast - Forecast quantity derived based on historical trends.
  • constrainedforecast - Unconstrained forecast when limited by supply constraints results in constrained forecast.
  • custom - Buyer specific business values could be represented by the customType string.
customType String to include buyer-defined custom types, for example, "NARegionalForecast".

PlanningTimeSeries has the following element:

Element Description
TimeSeriesDetails (required) Contains product replenishment information regarding the quantity of a product for a specific time period.

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Groups items into similar categories. Typically lists the UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) commodity code for each selected item. These codes are used by back-end systems within buyer and supplier organizations for accounting and report generation. For the list of UNSPSC codes, see

Classification@domain can also be used to specify product hierarchy and commodity information used by a back-end system. For instance, the following domain values are supported by SAP ERP:

  • MaterialGroup
  • LineOfBusiness
  • ProductFamily
  • ProductSubFamily
  • InternalProgramCode
  • ExternalProgramCode
  • PartCategory
  • PartType

Classification has an optional code attribute, which identifies the commodity by its designated code.


Number of days the buyer schedules for the inspection of goods after receiving them.


ID that the item's manufacturer uses to identify the item.


Contains details of a referenced document.


Contains detailed information about an item that can be used across different industries. Can also be used to send material characteristics to support configurable material process.


Contains planning information from buyers ERP system to provide visibility of critical business information to suppliers and other partners. See PlanningTimeSeries Element.

ProductActivityHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Identifies the business process supported by the message. Possible values:

  • SMI - Supplier-managed inventory
  • OEM - OEM-owned inventory scenarios
  • VMI - Vendor-managed inventory
  • 3PL - Third-party logistics inventory scenarios
  • ManufacturingVisibility - Contract manufacturers sharing inventory visibility
  • Forecast - Forecast collaboration
  • Consignment - Consignment material movements
  • Sales - Sales report visibility
  • POC - Purchase order collaboration scenarios
  • Other - Other collaboration scenarios

ProductReplenishmentHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

See ProductActivityHeader@processType.

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description

Number of days the buyer schedules for the inspection of goods after receiving them.


ID that the item's manufacturer uses to identify the item.


Contains details of a referenced document.

QualityNotificationActivity Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
OwnerInfo Contains information about the owner of this activity.
Extrinsic Contains additional information related to this activity.

QualityNotificationCause Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
OwnerInfo Contains information about the owner of this cause.
Extrinsic Contains additional information related to this cause.

QualityNotificationRequestHeader Element

The following attributes were added or updated:

Attribute Description
status Current status of the document. Possible values: draft, new (default), in-process, completed, postponed, canceled and closed. The canceled status value was added for 1.2.033.
minimumRequiredTasks Number of minimum required tasks to close this quality notification. Evaluated only when the status is "closed".
minimumRequiredActivities Number of minimum required activities to close this quality notification. Evaluated only when the status is "closed".

The following element was added:

Element Description
Extrinsic Contains additional information related to this document.

QualityNotificationRequestItem Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
minimumRequiredTasks Number of minimum required tasks to complete this defect. Evaluated only when isCompleted attribute is true.
minimumRequiredActivities Number of minimum required activities to complete this defect. Evaluated only when isCompleted attribute is true.
minimumRequiredCauses Number of minimum required causes to complete this defect. Evaluated only when isCompleted attribute is true.

The following elements were added:

Element Description
OwnerInfo Contains information about the owner of this defect.
AdditionalQNInfo See AdditionalQNInfo Element.
Extrinsic Contains additional information related to this defect.

QualityNotificationTask Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
OwnerInfo Contains information about the owner of this task.
Extrinsic Contains additional information related to this task.

ReplenishmentTimeSeries Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
customType String to include buyer-defined custom types, for example, "BuildQuantity".

ScheduleLineReleaseInfo Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
receivedQuantity Quantity received against the Schedule line of the order or the Scheduling Agreement line item based on the Goods Receipt posted in an external system, such as an ERP. The quantity is informational only and is used as visibility for suppliers. It is not validated for invoice or shipment processing.

TaxDetail Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description

The base tax rate in number of percentage. For some Tax categories (for example, ICMS for Brazil) TaxAmount is calculated considering the basePercentageRate along with percentageRate.

TaxAmount = TaxableAmount * percentageRate * basePercentageRate

Used only in Quote messages.


Set to "yes" (true) if the TaxAmount is included in the price. The default is "no" (false). Used only in Quote messages.


AdjustmentAmount Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
type Type of adjustment amount, for example, "withholdingTax".

ApprovalItem Element

This is a new element. A approval request can contain one or more approval items. A approval item provides details about a specific approval of a line item.

ApprovalItem has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
lineNumber (required) Number of the line item.
quantity (required) Cumulative confirmed quantity of all elements of the same line item in the corresponding order confirmation.
approvalStatus (required)

Approval status of the line item. Possible values:

  • approved
  • awaitingApproval
  • reject
  • approvedAndUpdatePO

Reason why the line item is out of tolerance. Possible values:

  • quantityDeviation
  • dateDeviation
  • quantityAndDateDeviation
startDate Reserved for future use.
endDate Reserved for future use.
deviatedDate First delivery date of all confirmed elements of the same line item that is out of tolerance.

ApprovalItem has the following elements:

Element Description
UnitOfMeasure (required) Unit of measure to specify the quantity.
Comments Contains comments associated with this approval item.

ApprovalRequest Element

This is a new element. It defines an approval notification for an order confirmation that contains out of tolerance line items.

ApprovalRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
ApprovalRequestHeader (required) Contains data that is relevant for the entire approval request. This includes data about type of approval, date, reference documents.
ApprovalItem A approval request can contain one or more approval items. A approval item provides details about a specific approval of a line item.

ApprovalRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains data that is relevant for the entire approval request. This includes data about type of approval, date, reference documents.

ApprovalRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Approval status of the request. Possible values:

  • approved
  • awaitingApproval
  • reject
  • approvedAndUpdatePO
type The type of document needing approval. The only possible value is "orderConfirmation".
creationDate Date and time when the document was created.
approvalStartDate Reserved for future use. The date and time on which the approval is allowed to start.
approvalEndDate Reserved for future use. The date and time on which the approval is allowed to end.

ApprovalRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
DocumentReference (required) Contains the payloadId of the underlying document to be approved (for example, the order confirmation).
cXMLAttachment (required) Contains the original cXML ConfirmationRequest document to be approved.
Contact Contact information for the document partners.
Comments Contains comments associated with this approval request.

ComplainQuantity Element

This is a new element. It specifies the quantity subject to complaints.

ComplainQuantity has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
quantity The quantity of the item subject to complaint.

ComplainQuantity has the following element:

Element Description
UnitOfMeasure (required) The unit of measure for the quantity. It must conform with UN/CEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes.

ComponentConsumptionDetails Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Specifies whether the supplier uses a component listed in the order. Used only when confirming an order. Possible values are yes (or not specified) or no. In other contexts, usage is not used. For example, when reporting component consumption use type instead.

ConfirmationStatus Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ComponentConsumptionDetails Contains detailed information about consumption of components in the manufacturing of final product.

ExternalDocumentType Element

This is a new element. It contains information about a document managed in an external system, such as an ERP. It can be sent with an order to distinguish different business transactions uniquely.

ExternalDocumentType has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
documentType (required) A string specifying the document type from the external system.

ExternalDocumentType has the following element:

Element Description
Description Provides an optional description of the document type.

FollowUpDocument Element

This is a new element. It provides a hint about the way to follow up on a QuoteMessage response. The type and category could be set to anything. But, they should be well known strings that can be understood by the ERP system. For example, the type could be set to "Contract" and the category could be set to "WK". This would give a hint to the ERP system that the next step should be to create a WK Contract. This element can also be specified in the header section, which can affect the user interface of the sourcing solution appropriately.

FollowUpDocument has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type Follow up type, for example, "Contract".
category Follow up category, for example, "WK".

Forecast Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
UnitPrice Price per unit of the forecast quantity.

ForecastDetails Element

This is a new element. It defines the start and end dates for the accumulation of the forecast for a part.

ForecastDetails has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
cumulativeStartDate The start date at which the cumulative values for forecast and commit will be calculated. If not provided, the accumulation of the forecast for a part will start on the earliest date for which there is forecast data.
cumulativeEndDate The end date till which the cumulative values for forecast and commit will be calculated.

ItemOutIndustry Element

The planningType attribute was updated with ATO and CTO values:

Attribute Description

Specifies the planning strategy. Possible values:

  • MTO - Make to Order
  • MTS - Make to Stock
  • ATO - Assemble to Order
  • CTO - Configure to Order

MalfunctionPeriod Element

This is a new element. It specifies the time period during which the item presented this defect.

MalfunctionPeriod has the following element:

Element Description
Period (required) Defines a start date and end date for this malfunction.

OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ExternalDocumentType See ExternalDocumentType Element.

PaymentProposalRequest Element

This element can now have multiple AdjustmentAmount elements, including one for withholding tax (type="withholdingTax").

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ForecastDetails See ForecastDetails Element.

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
Characteristic Specifies detailed information about an item that can be used across several different industries.

QNCode Element

This is a new element. It contains quality notification codes and their descriptions in different domains.

QNCode has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
domain (required)

Domain in which this value has meaning. Recognized domains include:

  • type - Quality notification type, does not have a code group.
  • subject - Quality notification subject (category).
  • reason - Reason of defect.
  • task - Quality notification task.
  • activity - Quality notification activity.
  • defect - Quality notification defect.
  • cause - Quality notification cause.
  • revision - Quality notification revision.
codeGroup Name of the code group.
codeGroupDescription Description of the code group.
code (required) Quality notification code.
codeDescription (required) Description of the quality notification code.

QNNotes Element

This is a new element. It defines subject code, description, and attachments of a quality notification.

QNNotes has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
user (required) User name or user id of who created message.
createDate (required) Timestamp of the message.

QNNotes has the following elements:

Element Description
QNCode Code identifying the type of message. Its domain is "subject".
Description (required) Provides a description of the quality notification.
Attachment Files attached to this message.

QualityNotificationActivity Element

This is a new element. It defines a quality notification activity.

QualityNotificationActivity has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
activityId (required) Number of the activity.
isCompleted Set to yes if the activity was completed.

QualityNotificationActivity has the following elements:

Element Description
QNCode Group and code defining the type of activity.
Description Text describing this activity.
Period Start and end time for the activity.

QualityNotificationCause Element

This is a new element. It defines the cause of a quality notification.

QualityNotificationCause has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
causeId (required) Number of the cause.

QualityNotificationCause has the following elements:

Element Description
QNCode Group and code defining the type of cause.
Description Text describing this cause.

QualityNotificationRequest Element

This is a new element. It defines a quality notification for one or more defects associated with a line item on a purchase order or a ship notice. You use a code to classify each item according to the type of problem or defect. The details of the problem or defect can contain causes, tasks, activities, codes, code groups, and descriptions.

QualityNotificationRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
QualityNotificationRequestHeader (required) Contains information about this quality notification request that is common to all contained defect items.
QualityNotificationRequestItem Contains defect item detail.

QualityNotificationRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains information about this quality notification request that is common to all contained defect items.

QualityNoficiationRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
requestID (required) The network hub document number for the quality notification.
externalRequestID ERP document number for the quality notification.
requestDate (required) Quality notification request date and time.
requestVersion Version number of this document if the current operation is "update".

Operation to be performed. Possible values:

  • new - Creates a new quality notification.
  • update - Updates an existing quality notification. The DocumentReference element references the original quality notification.
status Current status of the document. Possible values: draft, new (default), in-process, completed, postponed and closed.
discoveryDate Date and time when the defect was discovered.
serialNumber Serial number of the defective goods.
returnDate Date on which the defective goods were returned.
returnAuthorizationNumber Return Authorization Number information for a line item.
itemCategory Set to subcontract if the defect originated with a subcontract supplier.

QualityNoficiationRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
DocumentReference Reference to an earlier QualityNotificationRequest. If operation is "update", the DocumentReference is required and it must reference the original QualityNotificationRequest.

Defines the quality notification in one of the following domains:

  • "type" of quality notification without code group.
  • "subject" (category) group and code.
  • "reason" of this quality notification.
  • "revision" of this quality notification (if operation="update")
ShipTo ShipTo address related to the item if different from the referenced order or ship notice.
BillTo BillTo address related to the item if different from the referenced order or ship notice.
Shipping Shipping address related to the item if different from the referenced order or ship notice.
Contact Related contacts like buyerParty, sellerParty, senderBusinessSystemID, senderParty, receipientParty or componentSupplier.
QNNotes (required) Defines comments and attachments for the quality notification.
Priority (required) Priority for the quality notification.
RequestedProcessingPeriod The time period during which the processing is required.
MalfunctionPeriod The time period during which item presented this defect.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Reference to purchase order or ship notice on which the quality notification is reported. Notifications are only addressed to a single item. You can send a quality notification without a referenced document and instead include relevant information in the other elements.
ItemInfo (required) Contains information about the goods.
Batch Contains batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run.
ComplainQuantity Contains the quantity that was complained.
ReturnQuantity Contains the quantity that was returned.
QualityNotificationTask Contains task detail information for the quality notification.
QualityNotificationActivity Contains activity detail information for the quality notification.

QualityNotificationRequestItem Element

This is a new element. It contains defect item detail for a quality notification.

QualityNotificationRequestItem has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
defectId (required) Number of the defect.
defectCount Quantity of defects in this quality notification item.
isCompleted Set to yes if all activities and tasks were completed.
completedDate Date and time when quality notification item was completed.

QualityNotificationRequestItem has the following elements:

Element Description
QNCode Code with domain "defect".
Description Text describing this defect.
Period Planned start and end time for processing this defect.
QualityNotificationTask Tasks required to process this item.
QualityNotificationActivity Activities required to process this item.
QualityNotificationCause (required) Causes of the defects contained in this item.

QualityNotificationTask Element

This is a new element. It defines a task associated with a quality notification.

QualityNotificationTask has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
taskId (required) Number of the task.

Current state of execution of this task. Possible values:

  • new (default)
  • in-process
  • complete
completedDate Date and time when the task was completed.
completedBy User ID of the person who completed this task.
processorId The ID of the person or organization responsible for this task. In the case of a supplier, can be the user ID or the network hub ID.
processorName The name of the person or organization responsible for this task. In the case of a supplier, can be the user name or company name.

Type of processor. Possible values:

  • customer
  • supplier
  • customerUser

QualityNotificationTask has the following elements:

Element Description
QNCode Codes with domain "task".
Description Text describing this task.
Period Planned start and end time for processing this task.

QuoteHeaderInfo Element

This is a new element. It represents quote items associated with the header.

QuoteHeaderInfo has the following elements:

Element Description
LegalEntity A legal entity in the external system. It has an IdReference element.
OrganizationalUnit Identifies the Purchase Unit or Purchase group in the external system. It has an IdReference element.
PaymentTerms Defines the payment terms in a PaymentProposalRequest document.
FollowUpDocument Provides a hint about the way to follow up on a QuoteMessage response.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

QuoteItemIn Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
itemClassification Specifies whether the current line item is "material" or "service".

The following elements were added:

Element Description
TermsOfDelivery Optional shipping terms (incoTerms) as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Contains information about a referenced document.

QuoteItemOut Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
itemClassification Specifies whether the current line item is "material" or "service".

The following elements were added:

Element Description
TermsOfDelivery Optional shipping terms (incoTerms) as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Contains information about a referenced document.

QuoteMessage Element

The QuoteItemIn element is now optional. It can occur zero or more times.

QuoteMessageHeader Element

The optional QuoteHeaderInfo element was added.

QuoteRequestHeader Element

The optional QuoteHeaderInfo element was added.

RemittanceDetail Element

This element can now have multiple AdjustmentAmount elements, including one for withholding tax (type="withholdingTax").

RequestedProcessingPeriod Element

This is a new element. It represents the time period for processing this defect.

RequestedProcessingPeriod has the following element:

Element Description
Period (required) Start and end time for processing the defect.

ScheduleLine Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
originalRequestedDeliveryDate The original date that the specified quantity is expected to be delivered. This date is not subject to changes.

TaxDetail Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
isWithholdingTax Set to yes if the tax is a withholding tax.
taxRateType Specifies the tax rate type (a string) that corresponds to a specific tax type. For example, in Germany the tax rate of 19% for value-added tax (VAT) corresponds to the "Standard" tax rate type. In different EU member states, different VAT rates are allowed. The tax rate type makes it easy for the back-end system to handle different rates that result from changes in tax law.


cxml.requests Entity

The PaymentBatchRequest element was added to cxml.requests.

cxml.statuses Entity

The IntegrationStatus element was added to cxml.statuses.

ComponentConsumptionItem Element

For consistency with other cXML elements, the optional BuyerBatchID and SupplierBatchID elements have been replaced with the UnitOfMeasure and Batch elements.

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
quantity The quantity of component that is consumed.

ControlKeys Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
SESInstruction See SESInstruction Element.

ControlSum Element

This is a new element. It contains the total net payment amount without currency in the batch.

IntegrationMessage Element

This is a new element. It indicates the type/result of the message received by external parties.

IntegrationMessage has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
isSuccessful (required) Indicates whether the message result is positive (yes) or negative (no).
type (required) Indicates the message type, for example, 997/824/MDN.

IntegrationStatus Element

This is a new element. It is used to allow external parties to provide document status visibility after the document is processed and delivered by the network hub.

IntegrationStatus has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
documentStatus (required)

Indicates document status and could be one of the following values:

  • deliverySuccessful - The document was successfully delivered to the customer (but no processing confirmation has been issued yet).
  • deliveryDelayed - The document is experiencing delays while trying to reach the customer.
  • deliveryFailed - The document couldn't be sent to the customer due to a failure between the gateway and the customer.
  • deliveryReady - When sending to the buyer, the document has been queued and is ready for pick-up.
  • customerConfirmed - The customer has confirmed that the document has been processed successfully.
  • customerReceived - The customer has confirmed that the document has been received successfully.
  • customerFailed - The customer has received the document and is reporting a failure in the content.

IntegrationStatus has the following element:

Element Description
IntegrationMessage See IntegrationMessage Element.

InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
priceBasedLineLevelCreditMemo Set to yes to indicate that the invoice is a price-based, line-level credit memo for an early payment discount granted after the original invoice was issued.

InvoiceDetailRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
PaymentProposalIDInfo See PaymentProposalIDInfo Element.

InvoiceInstruction Element

The value attribute is now optional, and it supports the following new values:

The following element was added:

Element Description
TemporaryPrice See TemporaryPrice Element.

ItemDetail Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
PlannedAcceptanceDays See PlannedAcceptanceDays Element.

ItemOut Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
isDeliveryCompleted Set to yes to indicate that this item is considered closed, and no more deliveries are expected for it. This flag is set by the buyer for informative purposes.

NumberOfPayments Element

This is a new element. It contains the number of payment remittances in the batch.

PaymentBatchRequest Element

This is a new element. It specifies a payment batch and the payment remittances included in the batch.

PaymentBatchRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentBatchRequestHeader (required) The header information of this request.
PaymentBatchSummary (required) The summary information of this request.
PaymentRemittanceRequest (required) A payment remittance that contains the details of a payment from a buyer to a supplier.

PaymentBatchRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It defines the header information of a PaymentBatchRequest.

PaymentBatchRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
batchID (required) Unique identifier of a batch.
paymentDate (required) The date that the network hub should initiate payment. This date has impact only if buyer is configured to hold payments for the automated payment method. If not, payment is initiated right away.
creationDate (required) Date and time this payment batch was created.

PaymentBatchRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentMethod Payment method of the batch. If exists, the payment method at each individual payment remittance will be ignored.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

PaymentBatchSummary Element

This is a new element. It contains the summary information of a PaymentBatchRequest.

PaymentBatchSummary has the following elements:

Element Description
ControlSum (required) See ControlSum Element.
NumberOfPayments (required) See NumberOfPayments Element.

PaymentProposalIDInfo Element

This is a new element. It defines the ID of a PaymentProposalRequest known to the supplier and buyer system.

PaymentProposalIDInfo has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
paymentProposalID (required) The ID of a PaymentProposalRequest known to the buyer and supplier system.

PaymentProposalRequest Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
PaymentTerms See PaymentTerms Element.

PaymentRemittanceRequestHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
status Status of the payment remittance. Possible values are new (default) or void.
companyCode Company code of the buyer.

PaymentTerms Element

This is a new element. It defines the payment terms in a PaymentProposalRequest document.

PaymentTerms has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
paymentTermCode (required) The payment term code defined in the buyer's system.

PaymentTerms has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentTerm Defines a payment term in an invoice or order. Payment term can be the net term (without discount) or discount term (with discount).
Description Contains a description of the payment terms.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

PlannedAcceptanceDays Element

This is a new element. It specifies the number of days the buyer schedules for the inspection of goods after receiving them.

Priority Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
sequence A unique secondary order number for prioritizing items with the same priority level. Two items with the same priority level are not allowed to have the same sequence number.
inventory_level Shows the percent inventory (buffer) level with respect to the target, specified as a decimal value from 0.00 to 100.00.

ReceiptItem Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
Batch An element carrying batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run.

ReceiptRequestHeader Element

The operation attribute supports a new value: "delete". If operation is set to "delete", the existing receipt specified by the DocumentReference element is canceled. The "delete" operation is supported only for component receipts. The default value for operation is "new".

The following element was added:

Element Description
DocumentReference Reference to an earlier ReceiptRequest. If the attribute ReceiptRequestHeader@operation is "delete", the DocumentReference element is required and it must reference the original ReceiptRequest document during the same receipt process.

ReleaseInfo Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
releaseNumber A string indicating the release number.

RemittanceDetail Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
referenceDocumentNumber Any external document number (a string) for the remittance detail.
paymentProposalID The payment proposal identifier (a string) that's associated with this invoice.

SESInstruction Element

This is a new element. It indicates whether a service sheet is allowed for this line item, regardless of the default business rules configured in the network hub.

SESInstruction has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value (required) Value indicating whether a service sheet is allowed. Possible values are "allowed" or "notAllowed".

ShipNoticeHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
reason The reason for the ship notice. The only possible value for reason is "return", which means the shipment contains items that are being returned from the buyer to the supplier for some reason. For example, the items could be damaged or defective.

StatusUpdateRequest Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
IntegrationStatus See IntegrationStatus Element.

TemporaryPrice Element

This is a new element. It indicates if pricing information is temporary or final. It can be set at the order header or item level. If set to yes at the order item level, pricing for the item is considered temporary and the supplier cannot invoice the line item. If set to yes at the order header level, pricing is considered temporary for the entire purchase order and the supplier cannot invoice against any item on the order.

TemporaryPrice has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value (required) Set to yes to indicate that the price is temporary, or no to indicate that the price is final.

TradeItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
maturityDate The maturity date of the payment proposal of the trade item.


AttachmentReference Element

The following optional attribute was added:

Attribute Description
version Specifies the version of the external source. Examples: "1.0", "2.4.10" "Beta", "V-2".

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
URL A link to a referenced source on the buyer's system.

CommercialTerms Element

This is a new element. It defines the commercial terms of goods.

CommercialTerms has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
incoterms (required)

Contains the three-letter Incoterms 2010 edition code, in lower case, as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Possible values:

  • cfr - Cost And Freight
  • cif - Cost Insurance And Freight
  • cip - Carriage And Insurance Paid
  • cpt - Carriage Paid
  • daf - Delivered At Frontier
  • ddp - Delivered Duty Paid
  • ddu - Delivered Duty Unpaid
  • deq - Delivered Ex Quay
  • des - Delivered Ex Ship
  • exw - Ex Works
  • fas - Free Alongside Ship
  • fca - Free Carrier
  • fob - Free On Board

Consignment Element

This is a new element. It describes a consignment, which is a collection of packages going from a single originating party to a single destination party.

Consignment has one required attribute:

Attribute Description
consignmentID (required) Identifier for this consignment.

Consignment has the following elements:

Element Description
ConsignmentHeader (required) See ConsignmentHeader Element.
ConsignmentLineDetail (required) See ConsignmentLineDetail Element.
TransportEquipment See TransportEquipment Element.

ConsignmentConfirmation Element

This is a new element. It represents an update made to a previously existing consignment from the referenced TransportRequest.

ConsignmentConfirmation has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
consignmentID (required) Identifier for this consignment.
consignmentStatus (required)

The new status for this consignment. Possible values:

  • accepted
  • collected
  • rejected
  • cancelled
rejectionReason If the consignmentStatus is "rejected", then a reason must be provided in this attribute.

ConsignmentConfirmation has the following elements:

Element Description
ConsignmentConfirmationHeader (required) See ConsignmentConfirmationHeader Element.
TransportEquipment See TransportEquipment Element.

ConsignmentConfirmationHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains common information for this consignment confirmation.

ConsignmentConfirmationHeader has the following optional attribute:

Attribute Description
numberOfPackages The updated package count, only if it needs to be updated.

ConsignmentConfirmationHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
Hazard Provides a textual description and optional codes about hazards inherent in both an item and an overall shipment.
Dimension Specifies a single dimension for the packaging of the item.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Contains information about a referenced document.
ShipmentIdentifier A tracking number defined by the carrier that appears on the shipment that can be used to obtain additional detail about the shipment.
OriginConfirmation See OriginConfirmation Element.
DestinationConfirmation See DestinationConfirmation Element.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ConsignmentHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains common information for all the packages of this consignment.

ConsignmentHeader has the following optional attribute:

Attribute Description
numberOfPackages Total number of physical packages of this consignment.

ConsignmentHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
TransportPartner See TransportPartner Element.
Dimension Specifies a single dimension for the packaging of the item.
CommercialTerms See CommercialTerms Element.
NetAmount Total value of the goods in this consignment.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Reference to legal documents related to this consignment.
ShipmentIdentifier Identifier for this consignment as assigned by the carrier (if known).
TransportRequirements See TransportRequirements Element.
Origin (required) See Origin Element.
Destination (required) See Destination Element.
Route Indicates the transport mode (method) and means for this consignment. No other Route data is needed for this context. See Route Element.
TransportCondition See TransportCondition Element.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ConsignmentLineDetail Element

This is a new element. It contains a group of packages of a consignment. Each package may contain a single item on it.

ConsignmentLineDetail has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
lineNumber (required) A sequential number for this line that is unique for this consignment.
numberOfPackages (required) Total number of physical packages of this consignment.

ConsignmentLineDetail has the following elements:

Element Description
TransportPackage See TransportPackage Element.
TransportRequirements See TransportRequirements.
TransportPlacement See TransportPlacement Element.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Reference to external documents.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

DateInfo Element

The following attribute was updated:

Attribute Description

Date type. Possible values:

  • expectedShipmentDate - expected ship date for the material is used to determine when the supplier is expected to ship the material from their location.
  • productionStartDate - production start date.
  • productionFinishDate - production finish date.
  • requestedPickUpDate - pick up date as requested by the party arranging the transport.
  • expectedPickUpDate - date when the logistic provider expects to pick up the materials.
  • actualPickUpDate - actual pick up date, as it has occurred.
  • requestedDeliveryDate - delivery date as requested by the party arranging the transport.
  • expectedDeliveryDate - expected delivery date for the material to be received at the partner location.
  • actualDeliveryDate - actual delivery date of the goods.

Destination Element

This is a new element. It describes the destination location for the goods.

Destination has the following elements:

Element Description
Address (required) Contains the address of this location.
DateInfo Contains dates applicable for this location.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

DestinationConfirmation Element

This is a new element. It specifies additional dates to the destination location specified in the referenced TransportRequest.

DestinationConfirmation has the following elements:

Element Description
DateInfo Contains date information associated with a document or item.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

DiscountBasis Element

This is a new element. It defines the discount basis for the payable.

DiscountBasis has one required element:

Element Description
Money (required) Monetary amount for the discount basis.

FreightChargesAmount Element

This is a new element. It contains the total of freight charges.

FreightChargesAmount has one required element:

Element Description
Money (required) Monetary amount of the freight charges.

InsuranceValue Element

This is a new element. It contains the declared value of the goods for insurance purposes.

InsuranceValue has one required element:

Element Description
Money (required) Monetary amount of the declared value of the goods.

InventoryTimeSeries Element

This is a new element. It provides inventory data in time intervals to support the transfer of projected stock, safety stock, and target stock levels generated by the buyer's planning system.

InventoryTimeSeries has one required attribute:

Attribute Description
type (required)

Type of inventory. Possible values:

  • targetStock
  • projectedStock
  • safetyStock

InventoryTimeSeries has one required element:

Element Description
TimeSeriesDetails (required) Contains product replenishment information regarding the quantity of a product for a specific time period.

InvoiceDetailDiscount Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
Distribution Represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts. It is the the combination of a Charge against an Accounting element.

InvoiceDetailItem Element

The following optional attribute was added:

Attribute Description
reason Specifies the reason for a line-item credit memo. The only possible value for reason is "return", which means the credit memo is for a return item.

ItemDetail Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
AttachmentReference Reference to a remote attachment.

ItemDetailIndustry Element

The following optional attribute was added:

Attribute Description
isConfigurableMaterial Set to "yes" to indicate that the item is defined as a configurable material and therefore has product characteristics.

InvoiceDetailLineSpecialHandling Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
Distribution Represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts. It is the the combination of a Charge against an Accounting element.

InvoiceDetailLineShipping Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
Distribution Represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts. It is the the combination of a Charge against an Accounting element.

ItemInfo Element

This is a new element. It references a specific item and its relationship with a Purchase Order, Invoice, and Ship Notice.

ItemInfo has one required attribute:

Attribute Description
quantity (required) The quantity included in the document.

ItemInfo has the following elements:

Element Description
ItemID Provides unique identification of an item.
Description Contains a string that describes something.
Classification Contains the recommended commodity classification code for the line item.
ManufacturerPartID ID with which the item's manufacturer identifies the item.
ManufacturerName Name of the item's manufacturer.
Country The country of origin of the product listed in the line item.
SupplierBatchID Specifies the batch number for goods made or manufactured at the same time.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Contains information about a referenced document.
UnitOfMeasure (required) Describes how the product is packaged or shipped. It must conform with UN/CEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ItemOut Element

The following optional attributes were added:

Attribute Description
isReturn Set to "yes" (true) to indicate that the item is a return item.
returnAuthorizationNumber Return authorization number for a line item.

Origin Element

This is a new element. It describes the origin location for the goods.

Origin has the following elements:

Element Description
Address (required) Contains the address of this location.
DateInfo Contains dates applicable for this location.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

OriginConfirmation Element

This is a new element. It specifies additional dates to the origin location specified in the referenced TransportRequest.

OriginConfirmation has the following elements:

Element Description
DateInfo Contains date information associated with a document or item.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

PaymentProposalRequest Element

The following optional child elements were added:

Element Description
DiscountBasis See DiscountBasis Element.
Tax Defines the tax for the payable.
TaxAdjustment See TaxAdjustment Element.

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following optional attribute was added:

Attribute Description
status Indicates whether the material used in the planning process is "active", "inactive", or "deleted".

The following optional child element was added:

Element Description
InventoryTimeSeries See InventoryTimeSeries Element.

ReceiptRequestHeader Element

The following optional child element was added:

Element Description
ShipNoticeIDInfo Contains the Delivery Note of the buyer's goods receipt, which defaults to the supplier's ship notice ID.

RegistrationNumber Element

This is a new element. It contains the registration number of an entity, such as a vehicle.

Route Element

The element was updated to contain an optional PCDATA string or a Contact element.

The followed attributes were updated or added:

Attribute Description
method (required)

Qualifier identifying the transportation type code. Possible values are:

  • ship - transportation by boat (ocean).
  • rail - transportation by rail.
  • motor - transportation by land motor craft (common carrier).
  • air - transportation by flight.
  • mail - provided for practical reasons, despite the fact that mail is not a genuine mode of transport. In many countries, the value of merchandise exported and imported by mail is considerable, but the exporter or importer concerned would be unable to state by which mode postal items had passed the national border.
  • multimodal - provided for practical reasons, despite the fact that multimodal transport is not a genuine mode of transport. It can be used when goods are carried by at least two different modes from a place at which the goods are taken in charge by a transport operator to a place designated for delivery, on the basis of one transport contract. (Operations of pick-up and delivery of goods carried out in the performance of a unimodal transport, as defined in such a contract, shall not be considered as multimodal transport.)
  • fixedTransport - applies to installations for continuous transport such as pipelines, ropeways and electric power lines.
  • inlandWater - Used only in such cases where the application of waterborne transport is reported separately than maritime transport.
  • unknown - can be used when the mode is not known or when information on it is not available at the time of issuing the document concerned.

Particular vessel, vehicle or other device used for transport of goods. The value of means depends on the value of method.

When the value of method is "ship", the possible values of means are:

  • cargoVessel - Vessel designed to carry general cargo.
  • unitCarrier - Vessel designed to carry unit loads.
  • bulkCarrier - Vessel designed to carry bulk cargo.
  • tanker - Vessel solely equipped with tanks to carry cargo.
  • liquefiedGasTanker - Tanker designed to carry liquefied gas.
  • otherSpecialTanker - Tanker designed to carry other special liquids.
  • cargoAndPassengerVessel - Vessel designed to carry cargo and passengers.
  • otherVessel - Sea-going vessel, not otherwise specified.
  • fishingBoat - Vessel designed for fishing.
  • floatingStructure - Any floating structure.

When the value of method is "rail", the possible values of means are:

  • train - One or more rail wagons pulled or pushed by one or more locomotive units, or self-propelled, that move over rail tracks.
  • freightTrain - Train for carrying freight.

When the value of method is "motor", the possible values of means are:

  • truck - Automotive vehicle designed for hauling loads.
  • tractor - Automotive vehicle with an engine designed for pulling.
  • van - Closed automotive vehicle designed for carrying freight.
  • carCarrier - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying motorcars.
  • shovelLoader - Automotive vehicle designed for shovelling sand and other bulk material.
  • straddleCarrier - Automotive vehicle designed for lifting and transporting containers.
  • mobileCrane - Automotive vehicle with cargo crane.
  • bus - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying more than 8 passengers including the driver.
  • car - Automotive vehicle designed to carry a small number of passengers.
  • taxi - Automotive vehicle licensed to ply for hire.

When the value of method is "air, the values for means are specified in the IATA (International Air Transport Association) publication Standard Schedules Information Manual (SSIM) under the section "ATA/IATA Aircraft Types". The referenced codes cover all aircraft that are flown, or are soon to be flown, for commercial scheduled or chartered services only, or have been announced by the manufacturer and for which airline orders have been placed.

When the value of method is "multimodal", this means there are multiple segments, and each may have different mode and means. Therefore, the only possible value for means is "unknown".

When the value of method is "fixedTransport", the possible values of means are:

  • unknown - Fixed transport installation of unknown type.
  • pipeline - A line of one or more pipes for continuous transport of liquid or gas commodity.
  • powerline - A line of one or more cables or wires for continuous transport of electricity.

When the value of method is "inlandWater", the possible values of means are:

  • unknownVessel - Vessel of unknown type.
  • motorFreighter - Motorized vessel designed for carrying general cargo.
  • motorTanker - Motorized vessel designed for carrying liquid cargo.
  • containerVessel - Vessel designed for carrying containers.
  • gasTanker - Vessel with tanks designed for carrying gas.
  • tug - Vessel designed to push or pull another vessel.
  • barge - Lighter designed for carrying general cargo.
  • pushTow - Vessel designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of one or more cargo barges.
  • fishingBoat - Vessel designed for fishing.
  • bunkerShip - Vessel designed for carrying and delivering bunkers.

When the value of method is either "mail" or "unknown", there are no specific values of means defined.

ShippingAmount Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
Distribution Represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts. It is the the combination of a Charge against an Accounting element.

SpecialHandlingAmount Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
Distribution Represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts. It is the the combination of a Charge against an Accounting element.

Tax Element

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
Distribution Represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts. It is the the combination of a Charge against an Accounting element.

TaxAdjustment Element

This is a new element. It defines the tax adjustment for the payable.

TaxAdjustment has the following elements:

Element Description
Money (required) Describes the total tax adjustment given on the payable.
TaxAdjustmentDetail See TaxAdjustmentDetail Element.

TaxAdjustmentDetail Element

This is a new element. It defines the details of adjustments given over category and region.

TaxAdjustmentDetail has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
category (required) String describing the tax adjustment category.
region String describing the region where the tax adjustment occurred.

TaxAdjustmentDetail has the following element:

Element Description
Money (required) Monetary amount of tax adjustment given on the payable for a particular category or region.

TradeItem Element

A new optional lineNumber attribute was added to keep track of line items.

The GrossAmount child element is now called OriginalAmount. The NetAmount child element is now called Amount.

TradeRequestHeader Element

Several attribute names were changed:

TradeRequestSummary Element

The GrossAmount child element is now called OriginalAmount. The NetAmount child element is now called Amount.

The following optional element was added:

Element Description
CreditApplied The total amount of all credit memos in the trade.

TransportCondition Element

This is a new element. It contains required conditions for the transport.

TransportCondition has the following elements:

Element Description
Priority Priority indicator representing the "speed" of the service. The highest priority is an express service, while the lowest one is a mail service.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportConfirmation Element

This is a new element. It contains a message sent from a logistics provider to an interested party (for example, the party requesting the transport), containing updates on the process for a transportation request.

TransportConfirmation has the following elements:

Element Description
TransportConfirmationHeader See TransportConfirmationHeader ELement.
TransportReference See TransportReference Element.
ConsignmentConfirmation (required) See ConsignmentConfirmation Element.

TransportConfirmationHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains common information that applies to the whole confirmation message.

TransportConfirmationHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
operation Operation to perform. Currently, only "new" (the default) is supported, which creates a new confirmation.
confirmationID User-supplied identifier for this confirmation.
confirmationDate User-supplied date for this confirmation.

TransportConfirmationHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
TransportPartner See TransportPartner Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportEquipment Element

This is a new element. It defines a piece of transport equipment needed for this consignment.

TransportEquipment has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
equipmentID (required) The identifier of this equipment. Must be unique for this consignment.

Type of this equipment. Possible values:

  • dimeCoatedTank - A tank coated with dime.
  • epoxyCoatedTank - A tank coated with epoxy.
  • pressurizedTank - A tank capable of holding pressurized goods.
  • refrigeratedTank - A tank capable of keeping goods refrigerated.
  • stainlessSteelTank - A tank made of stainless steel.
  • nonWorking40ftReeferContainer - A 40 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.
  • euroPallet - 80 x 120 cm.
  • scandinavianPallet - 100 x 120 cm.
  • trailer - Non self-propelled vehicle designed for the carriage of cargo so that it can be towed by a motor vehicle.
  • nonWorking20ftReeferContainer - A 20 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.
  • nonWorking30ftReeferContainer - A 30 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.
  • nonWorking40ftReeferContainer - A 40 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.
  • exchangeablePallet - Standard pallet exchangeable following international convention.
  • semiTrailer - Non self-propelled vehicle without front wheels designed for the carriage of cargo and provided with a kingpin.
  • tankContainer20ft - A tank container with a length of 20 feet.
  • tankContainer30ft - A tank container with a length of 30 feet.
  • tankContainer40ft - A tank container with a length of 40 feet.
  • refrigeratedTank20ft - A refrigerated tank with a length of 20 feet.
  • refrigeratedTank30ft - A refrigerated tank with a length of 30 feet.
  • refrigeratedTank40ft - A refrigerated tank with a length of 40 feet.
  • temperatureControllerContainer20ft - Temperature-controlled container measuring 20 feet.
  • temperatureControllerContainer30ft - -Temperature-controlled container measuring 30 feet.
  • temperatureControllerContainer40ft - Temperature-controlled container measuring 40 feet.
  • totebin - A steel open top unit of about 1,5 * 1,5 * 2,5 meters for road transport of bulk cargo.
  • dualTrailers - Two trailers linked together one behind another and pulled by one tractor.
numberOfEquipments The number of equipment units available.

Indicates who provides this equipment. Possible values:

  • sender
  • receiver
  • carrier
  • other

Indicates the status of the equipment after loading this consignment. Possible values:

  • full
  • empty

TransportEquipment has the following elements:

Element Description
VehicleRegistration See VehicleRegistration Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportIDInfo Element

This is a new element. It defines the ID of a transport request known to the system of the party that created it.

TransportIDInfo has the following optional attributes:

Attribute Description
requestID The ID of a transport request known to the system of the party that created it.
requestDate The date and time the transport request was created.

TransportIDInfo has the following element:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

TransportPackage Element

This is a new element. It describes the material items contained within a package.

TransportPackage has the following elements:

Element Description
Packaging Contains details about the packaging of this line item.
ItemInfo See ItemInfo Element.

TransportPartner Element

This is a new element. It represents a party, or company, of the transport service.

TransportPartner has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
role (required)

The role of the transport partner. Possible values:

  • shipFrom - The originating party for this consignment.
  • shipTo - The destination party for this consignment.
  • carrier - The party in charge of carrying the goods.

TransportPartner has the following elements:

Element Description
Contact (required) Supplies additional Address or Location information for the requesting company.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportPlacement Element

This is a new element. It describes how the packages are placed into transport equipment.

TransportPlacement has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
equipmentID (required)

ID of the transport equipment.

numberOfPackages (required)

The quantity of packages placed into the equipment.

TransportReference Element

This is a new element. It defines a reference to an earlier TransportRequest document.

TransportReference has the following optional attributes:

Attribute Description
requestID The ID of a transport request known to the system of the party that created the TransportRequest.
requestDate The date and time the transport request was created.

TransportReference has the following element:

Element Description
DocumentReference (required) References an earlier document.

TransportRequest Element

This is a new element. It is a request made from one originating party to a logistics provider to arrange delivery for consignments.

TransportRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
TransportRequestHeader See TranportRequestHeader Element
Consignment See Consignment Element
TransportSummary See TransportSummary Element

TransportRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It is the header element for the transport request and contains common information for all consignments.

TransportRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
operation Operation to perform. Currently, only "new" (the default) is supported, which creates a new transport request.
requestID A user-supplied identifier for this transport request.
requestDate User-supplied date and time when this document was created.

TransportRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
TransportPartner See TranportPartner Element.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportRequirements Element

This is a new element. It contains information about the transport service that is requested from the logistics provider.

TransportRequirements has the following elements:

Element Description
Hazard Provides a textual description and optional codes about hazards inherent in both an item and an overall shipment.
TransportTemperature Contains a temperature or temperature range that must be observed during transportation.
Classification Classification of the goods carried.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportSummary Element

This is a new element. It contains a summary of the data contained in all the consignments of this document.

TransportSummary has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
numberOfPackages (required) Total number of physical packages in this transport request.

TransportSummary has the following elements:

Element Description
FreightChargesAmount See FreightChargesAmount Element.
SubtotalAmount Taxable amount for the freight charges.
InsuranceValue See InsuranceValue Element.
Dimension Total dimensions for the packages of all consignments.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TransportTemperature Element

This is a new element. It contains a temperature or temperature range that must be observed during transportation.

TransportTemperature has the following optional attributes:

Attribute Description
temperature The temperature to be observed if a range is not specified.
maximum The upper limit to observe in a range.
minimum The lower limit to observe in a range.

TransportTemperature has the following element:

Element Description
UnitOfMeasure (required) The unit of measure for the temperature. For example, "CEL" (degree Celsius), "FAH" (degree Fahrenheit), "KEL" (kelvin), or "A48" (degree Rankin).

VehicleRegistration Element

This is a new element. It contains the registration number of a vehicle and its country.

VehicleRegistration has the following elements:

Element Description
RegistrationNumber (required)

The vehicle registration number can be one of the following numbers:

  • License plate for cars and trucks.
  • Registration number for airplanes.
  • IMO number for ships.
Country The country for the registration number.


ASNInstruction Element

This is a new element. It indicates whether a ship notice is allowed for this order or line item, regardless of the default business rules configured in the network hub.

ASNInstruction has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value Value indicating whether a ship notice is allowed. Possible values are "allowed" or "notAllowed".

ASNInstruction has the following elements:

Element Description
Lower See Lower Element.
Upper See Upper Element.

Classification Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
code Identification code for a classification.

The domain attribute for Classification can be "MaterialGroup", which refers to a grouping of materials and services according to their characteristics in SAP ERP.

ComponentConsumptionDetails Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Type of inventory movement that could cause the suppliers to not consume the material. Possible values:

  • blocked - this inventory is not assigned a value and cannot be consumed.
  • qualityRestricted - this inventory is not qualified for unrestricted use and cannot be consumed in production.
  • scrapped - this inventory is out of date or material has been destroyed during logistics operation.

The following element was added:

Element Description
ReferenceDocumentInfo See ReferenceDocumentInfo Element.

ConfirmationHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

ContractIDInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains the ID of a contract known to the source buyer system.

ContractIDInfo has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
contractID (required) The ID of a contract known to the source buyer system.
contractDate The date and time the contract request was created or updated.
contractType The type of the contract being referenced, for example scheduling_agreement.

ContractIDInfo has the following element:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

ContractItemIn Element

This is a new element. It represents a contract line item to be sent to an external system.

ContractItemIn has the following elements:

Element Description
MaxAmount Maximum amount.
MinAmount Minimum amount.
MaxReleaseAmount Contractual maximum amount per release of this Master Agreement.
MinReleaseAmount Contractual minimum amount per release of this Master Agreement.
MaxQuantity Maximum quantity.
MinQuantity Minimum quantity.
MaxReleaseQuantity Contractual maximum quantity per release of a contract.
MinReleaseQuantity Contractual minimum quantity per release of a contract.
TermsOfDelivery Optional shipping terms (incoTerms) as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce.
ItemIn Represents a line item to send to a buyer.
ReferenceDocumentInfo Optional reference document info (for example, the requisition or RFQ in the external system) for this line item.

ContractItemStatus Element

This is a new element. It represents a line item in a contract status update request.

ContractItemStatus has the following elements:

Element Description
ItemStatus Detailed status information about the line item.
IdReference Reference to a line item of the contract in the external system..
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.

ContractRequest Element

This is a new element. It contains the definition of a contract sent from the buyer to an external buyer system.

ContractRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
ContractRequestHeader See ContractRequestHeader Element.
ContractItemIn See ContractItemIn Element.

ContractRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It represents the header of a contract.

ContractRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
contractID (required) Contract ID in the source buyer system for this request.
type Identifies whether the contract is value-based or quantity-based. Possible values are "value" or "quantity".
createDate The date and time the contract was created or published.
agreementDate The date and time the contract was created. This is different from the contract's effective date and expiry date.
effectiveDate (required) Date the contract is available for ordering or releases.
expirationDate Date the contract is no longer available.
xml:lang (required) The language or locale in which the ContractRequest content is written.

The operational mode of the ContractRequest. Possible values:

  • new - Identifies a new contract transaction.
  • update - Identifies an update to an existing transaction. The DocumentInfo element can be used to indicate the contract in the external system.
  • delete - Cancels an existing contract. The delete request should be an exact duplicate of the original request.

ContractRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
LegalEntity Legal entity defined in the external system.
OrganizationID Organization ID.
OrganizationalUnit Purchase Unit or Purchase group defined in the external system.
PaymentTerm Defines a payment term in an invoice or order.
QuoteRequestReference Optional request ID and request date if the contract references a QuoteRequest originated from the external system.
MaxAmount Maximum amount.
MinAmount Minimum amount.
MaxReleaseAmount Contractual maximum amount per release of this Master Agreement.
MinReleaseAmount Contractual minimum amount per release of this Master Agreement.
Contact Supplies additional Address or Location information for the requesting company.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
DocumentInfo ID of a document known to the system.
ParentContractInfo See ParentContractInfo Element.
TermsOfDelivery Optional shipping terms (incoTerms) as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information about the contract header.

ContractStatus Element

This is a new element. It contains item-level status updates for a contract.

ContractStatus has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
type Type of the contract status, for example, "created".

ContractStatus has the following elements:

Element Description
ContractIDInfo See ContractIDInfo Element.
ContractItemStatus See ContractItemStatus Element.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ContractStatusUpdateRequest Element

This is a new element. It contains the status update for a contract, including whether the contract was created or updated successfully.

ContractStatusUpdateRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
Status Status of a Response or Message.
ContractStatus See ContractStatus Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ControlKeys Element

This is a new element. It provides elements that allow you to override default business rules for order confirmations, ship notices, and invoices.

ControlKeys has the following elements:

Element Description
OCInstruction See OCInstruction Element.
ASNInstruction See ASNInstruction Element.
InvoiceInstruction See InvoiceInstruction Element.

CopyRequest Element

The CopyRequest@processingMode attribute supports an additional value, copy, which indicates that the document is a copy of the original document.

DateInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains date information associated with a document or item.

DateInfo has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type (required)

Date type. Possible values:

  • expectedDeliveryDate - Expected delivery date for the material to be received at the partner location.
  • expectedShipmentDate - Expected ship date for the material from the supplier's location.
  • productionStartDate - Production start date.
  • productionFinishDate - Production finish date.
date (required)

Date value.

DateInfo has the following element:

Element Description
Extrinsic Contains any additional information about the contract header.

DaysPaidEarly Element

This is a new element. It is the number of days that the supplier is paid early.

DocumentStatus Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
ItemStatus See ItemStatus Element.

Fee Element

This is a new element. It represents different types of individual fees. It has a required Money element.

The optional type attribute for Fee can have the following values:

FeeAmount Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
Fee See Fee Element.

InvoiceDetailRequestHeader Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
isERS Indicates whether the order is flagged for Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) at the header level. The only possible value is "yes" (true). If not specified, an invoice can be created for all line items.

The following element was added:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

InvoiceInstruction Element

This is a new element. It indicates whether an invoice is allowed for this order or line item, regardless of the default business rules configured in the network hub.

InvoiceInstruction has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value (required) Value indicating whether an order or line item is flagged for Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS). Possible values are "isERS" or "isNotERS".

ItemIn Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Specifies whether the current line item is material or service. Possible values:

  • material
  • service

ItemOut Element

The following attributes were added or updated:

Attribute Description
requestedShipmentDate The ship date requested by the buyer for the item.
itemCategory In addition to "subcontract" and "consignment" values, a new "thirdParty" value is supported. It refers to a vendor from which a material is ordered.

The following element was added:

Element Description
ControlKeys See ControlKeys Element.

ItemOutIndustry Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Specifies the planning strategy. Possible values:

  • MTO - Make to Order
  • MTS - Make to Stock

The following elements were added:

Element Description
Priority See Priority Element.
ReferenceDocumentInfo See ReferenceDocumentInfo Element.

ItemStatus Element

This is a new element. It contains detailed information about an item when a buyer sends a StatusUpdateRequest in response to a ConfirmationRequest. For example, it could contain information from a back-end procurement system.

ItemStatus has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type (required)

Specifies the item status. Possible values:

  • rejected - The item was rejected.
  • accepted - The item was accepted.
code Optional code for the item status from the back-end system.

ItemStatus has the following elements:

Element Description
ReferenceDocumentInfo See ReferenceDocumentInfo Element.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.

LegalEntity Element

This is a new element. It identifies a legal entity in the external system, and it has the following element:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

Lower Element

This is a new element. It specifies tolerances that define a lower limit.

Lower has the following element:

Element Description
Tolerances Tolerances for price, quantity, delivery date.

MaxReleaseQuantity Element

This is a new element. It represents the contractual maximum quantity per release of a contract.

MinReleaseQuantity Element

This is a new element. It represents the contractual minimum quantity per release of a contract.

ModificationDetail Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
code Service code that identifies the allowance or charge.

OCInstruction Element

This is a new element. It indicates whether an order confirmation is allowed for this order or line item, regardless of the default business rules configured in the network hub.

OCInstruction has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
value (required) Value indicating whether an order confirmation is allowed. Possible values are "allowed", "notAllowed", or "requiredBeforeASN".

OCInstruction has the following elements:

Element Description
Lower See Lower Element.
Upper See Upper Element.

OrderRequestHeader Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
ControlKeys See ControlKeys Element.
OrderRequestHeaderIndustry See OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element.

OrderRequestHeaderIndustry Element

This is a new element. It contains industry-specific information for an order.

OrderRequestHeaderIndustry has the following elements:

Element Description
ReferenceDocumentInfo See ReferenceDocumentInfo Element.
Priority See Priority Element.

OrganizationalUnit Element

This is a new element. It identifies the Purchase Unit or Purchase group in the external system, and it has the following element:

Element Description
IdReference Organizational unit ID. The (identifier, domain) pair should be unique.

ParentContractInfo Element

This is a new element. It identifies the parent contract ID if the current contract is part of a hierarchy. It has the following element:

Element Description
DocumentInfo ID of a document known to the system.

Priority Element

This is a new element. It indicates the priority of orders for the suppliers. It has a Description element, which describes the priority. The level attribute specifies the priority level, an integer from 1 to 5.

ProductActivityDetails Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
SalesReport See SalesReport Element.

ProductReplenishmentDetails Element

This is a new element. It contains product replenishment information for the product.

ProductReplishmentDetails has the following elements:

Element Description
ItemID A unique identification of a component item in the supplier back-end system or the buyer back-end system.
Description Textual description of the component.
LeadTime Optional number of days needed for the buyer to receive the product.
Batch An element carrying a batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run, such as buyer/supplier batch ID, production date, and property valuation.
Contact The Contact information for the supplier. You can specify more than one Contact element. This is an optional field.
Inventory Inventory that is in the possession of the buyer and is owned and managed by the buyer.
ConsignmentInventory Inventory that is in the possession of the buyer but is owned by the supplier.
ReplenishmentTimeSeries The product replenishment quantity of a product for a specific time period.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ProductReplenishmentHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains the product replenishment header. It has one required attribute, messageID, and an optional creationDate attribute.

ProductReplenishmentMessage Element

This is a new element. It communicates the following types of messages to buyers:

ProductReplenishmentMessage has the following elements:

Element Description
ProductReplenishmentHeader See ProductReplenishmentHeader Element.
ProductReplenishmentDetails See ProductReplenishmentDetails Element.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ReferenceDocumentInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains information about a referenced document.

ReferenceDocumentInfo has the following optional attributes:

Attribute Description

Line number of an item in the referenced document.


Status used to refer to the referenced document. Possible values:

  • created
  • released
  • open
  • completed
  • closed
  • cancelled

ReferenceDocumentInfo has the following elements:

Element Description
DocumentInfo | DocumentReference

DocumentInfo provides information about a document, such as ID, type, and date. Possible type values are:

  • salesOrder - refers to sales order triggering the PO.
  • customerOrder - refers to the customer order maintained in sales order.
  • freightOrder - refers to order for transportation.
  • productionOrder - refers to order that specifies which material is to be produced, where it is to be produced, which operations are required to do this and on which date production is to take place. It also defines how the order costs are to be settled.

DocumentReference references an earlier document (for example, OrderRequest).

DateInfo See DateInfo Element.
Contact Contact information for the supplier. You can specify more than one Contact element. This is an optional field.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

ReplenishmentTimeSeries Element

This is a new element. It contains information about the replenishment time series.

ReplenishmentTimeSeries has one required type attribute, which can be one of the following values:

ReplenishmentTimeSeries has the following element:

Element Description
TimeSeriesDetails See TimeSeriesDetails Element.

ReturnQuantity Element

This is a new element. It contains the quantity from a sales report that was returned. It has a UnitOfMeasure element and one required attribute, quantity.

SalesQuantity Element

This is a new element. It contains the quantity of an item that was sold. It has a UnitOfMeasure element and one required attribute, quantity.

SalesReport Element

This is a new element. It contains information about a sales report at the item level.

SalesReport has the following elements:

Element Description
Period Item sales start and end date.
SalesQuantity See SalesQuantity Element.
ReturnQuantity See ReturnQuantity Element.
Total Sales report total for the line item.
PromotionVariantID Specifies a specific ID if only one or some variants of an article are promoted. Product variant is a specific code that specifies the characteristic of an product (color, shape, and so on).
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.

ScheduleLine Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
requestedShipmentDate The ship date requested by the buyer for the schedule line.

ServiceEntryRequestHeader Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

ShipmentIdentifier Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
trackingURL Carrier URL that can be used to track the shipment in conjunction with the tracking number.

TimeSeriesDetails Element

This is a new element. It contains product replenishment information regarding the quantity of a product for a specific time period.

TimeSeriesDetails has the following elements:

Element Description
Period The start date and end date for the forecast response.
TimeSeriesQuantity See TimeSeriesQuantity Element.
UpsideQuantity See UpsideQuantity Element.
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TimeSeriesQuantity Element

This is a new element. It contains the quantity associated with the given type of replenishment time series. It has a UnitOfMeasure element and one required attribute, quantity.

TimeTolerance Element

This is a new element. It defines a certain amount of time used to check if a concrete delivery date is within the tolerance regarding the requested delivery date.

TimeTolerance has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
limit Specifies the time tolerance limit.

Specifies the type of time limit. Possible values:

  • minutes
  • hours
  • days (default)
  • weeks

Tolerances Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
TimeTolerance See TimeTolerance Element.

TradeItem Element

This is a new element. It contains trading information about a payment proposal or a credit memo.

TradeItem has the following attribute:

Attribute Description
paymentProposalID (required) Original payment proposal number.

TradeItem has the following elements:

Element Description
PayableInfo A reference to the payable document, such as an invoice, order, or master agreement.
GrossAmount Original amount for this payable. This amount is negative for credit memo items.
AdjustmentAmount Adjustment amount applied to the GrossAmount. The only adjustment that can be applied is a credit memo, which has an AdditionalDeduction with type "creditMemoApplied".
DaysPaidEarly See DaysPaidEarly Element.

Net value of this trade item. This amount is always zero for credit memo items. The value should satisfy the following equation:

NetAmount = GrossAmount - FeeAmount - AdjustmentAmount

FeeAmount Contains various fees that occur during a trade, for example, service provider fee, funder fee, and community fee. Can contain the following Fee types: serviceProvider, community, funder.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TradeRequest Element

This is a new element. It is a request to create or update one or more supply chain finance TradeItem objects.

TradeRequest documents are associated with PaymentProposalRequest documents that are traded on the trading platform of the supply chain financing provider. Payment proposals can be traded automatically or manually as indicated by the autoTrade attribute of the TradeRequestHeader. TradeRequest documents travel from the supply chain financing provider to the network hub. Updated PaymentProposalRequest documents are then generated by the network hub and sent to the buyer and supplier as needed.

TradeRequest has the following elements:

Element Description
TradeRequestHeader See TradeRequestHeader Element.
TradeRequestSummary See TradeRequestSummary Element.
TradeItem See TradeItem Element.

TradeRequestHeader Element

This is a new element. It contains header information for a TradeRequest object.

TradeRequestHeader has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
operation (required) The operational mode of the trade document. Possible values are "new" or "update".
status (required)

The status of the TradeRequest. Possible values:

  • accepted - The funder has accepted the trade request.
  • rejected - The funder has rejected the trade request. The funder may update the status to "accepted" later.
tradeReferenceNumber (required) ID of a trade transaction in the Supply Chain Financing provider's system.
tradeCreatedDate The date and time the trade was created.
projectedSettlementDate The date and time that the payment will be paid in supplier's bank account.
autoTrade Indicates whether it's an automatic trade ("yes" or "no").

TradeRequestHeader has the following elements:

Element Description
PaymentPartner Contains payer and payee information. Funder (payer) is required.
Contact The supplier user who created the trade request.
Comments Contains comments associated with this object.
Extrinsic Contains any additional information related to this object.

TradeRequestSummary Element

This is a new element. It contains summary information for a TradeRequest object.

TradeRequestSummary has the following elements:

Element Description
GrossAmount Total original net payment amount. All amounts for all TradeItem objects should add up to the total in TradeRequestSummary.
FeeAmount Fee that supplier pays to receive this early payment. It should be equal to the sum of FeeAmount values in TradeItem objects.

Total net value of the trade. This is the projected value to be paid to the supplier. It should be equal to the sum of NetAmount values for TradeItem objects, and its value should satisfy the following equation:

NetAmount = GrossAmount - FeeAmount

Upper Element

This is a new element. It specifies tolerances that define an upper limit.

Upper has the following element:

Element Description
Tolerances Tolerances for price, quantity, delivery date.

UpsideQuantity Element

This is a new element. It is the quantity of inventory that the supplier can provide above and beyond the request demand. UpsideQuantity has a UnitOfMeasure element and a quantity attribute.


Batch Element

This is a new element. It holds batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run, such as buyer/supplier batch ID, production date, and property valuation.

Batch has the following elements:

Element Description
BuyerBatchID An identifier from the buyer to identify the material/goods produced in a single manufacturing run.
SupplierBatchID An identifier from the supplier to identify the material/goods produced in a single manufacturing run.
PropertyValuation The property and its associated values. It has PropertyReference and ValueGroup elements.

BuyerBatchID Element

This is a new element. See Batch Element.

Characteristic Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
code Code associated with a characteristic, such as a currency code or unit of measure.

ComponentConsumptionRequest Element

This is a new element. It holds data sent by a supplier to the buyer to report the consumption of components during the manufacturing of an ordered item.

ComponentConsumptionRequest has the following new elements:

Element Contained In Description
ComponentConsumptionHeader ComponentConsumptionRequest Contains data pertinent to all portions of the component consumption.
ComponentConsumptionPortion ComponentConsumptionRequest Contains details of all component consumptions for a particular OrderRequest.
ComponentConsumptionItem ComponentConsumptionPortion Contains purchase order details for the components consumed.
ComponentConsumptionDetails ComponentConsumptionItem Contains details about component consumption.

ComponentID Element

This is a new element. It holds an identifier for a subcontracting component within the procurement process.

ConfirmationItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
compositeItemType Specifies whether a parent item uses group-level pricing. Possible values are "groupLevel" and "itemLevel".

ConsignmentMovement Element

See ProductActivityMessage Element.

Contact Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
role The position of this person within the procurement process.

The following element was added:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).

Forecast Element

See ProductActivityMessage Element.

ForecastQuantity Element

See ProductActivityMessage Element.

Inventory Element

This is a new element. It represents inventory that is in the possession of the buyer, and is owned and managed by the buyer.

Inventory has the following elements:

Element Description
SubcontractingStockInTransferQuantity The quantity of inventory of stock that has been transferred to a vendor of type subcontracting using a special movement type.
UnrestrictedUseQuantity The quantity of inventory that is unrestricted stock, which is the physical stock that is always available at a plant/storage location that can be consumed for stock movements and available for material requirements planning.
BlockedQuantity The quantity of inventory that is blocked stock, which is not counted as unrestricted stock.
QualityInspectionQuantity The quantity of inventory that is under quality inspection.
PromotionQuantity The quantity of inventory that is reserved for promotions.
StockInTransferQuantity The quantity of inventory that is moving between plants or from one company code to another.
IncrementQuantity The quantity used to increment (add to) stock.
RequiredMinimumQuantity Minimum stock level at which the stock must be maintained.
RequiredMaximumQuantity Maximum stock level at which the stock must be maintained.

InvoiceDetailItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
compositeItemType Specifies whether a parent item uses group-level pricing. Possible values are "groupLevel" and "itemLevel".

The following elements were added:

Element Description
ReceiptLineItemReference Reference to the receipt line related to this line item. It has one attribute, receiptLineNumber, which specifies the receipt line number of the current line item, copied from ReceiptRequest.
ShipNoticeLineItemReference Reference to the ship notice line related to this line item. It has one attribute, shipNoticeLineNumber, which specifies the ship notice line number of the current line item, copied from ShipNoticeRequest.

InvoiceDetailOrder Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
InvoiceDetailReceiptInfo Reference information of the receipt.
InvoiceDetailShipNoticeInfo Reference information of the ship notice.

InvoiceDetailReceiptInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains reference information of the receipt.

InvoiceDetailReceiptInfo has the following elements:

Element Description
ReceiptReference Reference to the receipt being invoiced.
ReceiptIDInfo Buyer system receipt ID.

InvoiceDetailShipNoticeInfo Element

This is a new element. It contains reference information of the ship notice.

InvoiceDetailShipNoticeInfo has the following elements:

Element Description
ShipNoticeReference Reference to the ship notice being invoiced.
ShipNoticeIDInfo Buyer system ship notice ID.

InvoiceDetailShipping Element

The following element was changed:

Element Description
ShipmentIdentifier Multiple identifiers can now be added for this element, and an attribute domain was added to the DTD to allow differentiation between identifiers.

ItemID Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
IdReference Contains a group of values pertaining to a property. IdRReference was added to ItemID to refer to additional identifiers.

ItemIn Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
compositeItemType Specifies whether a parent item uses group-level pricing. Possible values are "groupLevel" and "itemLevel".

ItemOut Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
compositeItemType Specifies whether a parent item uses group-level pricing. Possible values are "groupLevel" and "itemLevel".
itemCategory Specifies how a component or material is procured. Possible values are "subcontract" and "consignment".

The following element was added:

Element Description
Batch Contains batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run.

Modification Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description

Represents the level of the modification (in the case of cascading modifications). For example:

  • Charge 1 (Level 1): Original Price $10 Charge: $1
  • Charge 2 (Level 1): Original Price $10 Charge: $1
  • Charge 3 (Level 2): Original Price $8 Charge: $1
  • Charge 4 (Level 3): Original Price $7 Charge: $1

ParentID Element

This is a new element. See ValueGroup Element.

Product Element

This is a new element. It contains product information of a subcontracting component, such as buyer product ID, supplier product ID, standard product ID, internal product ID, and so on.

Product has the following elements:

Element Description
SupplierPartID Represents a product in the supplier system. This identifier is specified by the supplier.
SupplierPartAuxiliaryID If SupplierPartID does not provide a unique key to identify the item, then the supplier should generate a key that identifies the product uniquely when combined with the SupplierID and SupplierPartID.
BuyerPartID Represents a product in the buyer system. This identifier is specified by the buyer.
Batch Contains batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run.
IdReference Defines an ID reference within the application context (for example, standard ID for a product). The (identifier, domain) pair should be unique.

ProductActivityDetails Element

See ProductActivityMessage Element.

ProductActivityHeader Element

See ProductActivityMessage Element.

ProductActivityMessage Element

This is a new element. It transmits component inventory, consignment movement, and forecast information from the buyer's ERP system. The buyer-provided inventory summary view includes the components issued to the supplier. The information provided gives a snapshot of the component inventory and forecast situation at a certain point in time.

ProductActivityMessage has the following elements:

Element Contained In Description
ProductActivityHeader ProductActivityMessage Contains information about a single component inventory, the product forecast details, or a consignment movement for the product.
ProductActivityDetails ProductActivityMessage Contains the details about a product activity.
ItemID ProductActivityDetails Contains identifying information for the item.
Batch ProductActivityDetails Contains batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run.
Contact ProductActivityDetails

The location from and to the product activity taking place.

The only Contact roles (Contact@role attribute value) likely to be sensible in this element are "locationFrom" and "locationTo".

To provide a plant location description, the domain attribute of the element IdReference should be set to "buyerLocationID", "supplierLocationID" or "storageLocation" and the identifier for the "plantID".

Inventory ProductActivityDetails Inventory that is in the possession of the buyer, and is owned and managed by the buyer
ConsignmentInventory ProductActivityDetails Inventory that is in the possession of the buyer, but is owned by the supplier.
ConsignmentMovement ProductActivityDetails The consignment information represents the movement of material from the consignment inventory to the buyer inventory.
Description ProductActivityDetails To use IdReference to pass plant information, set plant name in the description.
TimeSeries ProductActivityDetails Contains the elements for period and quantity.
Forecast TimeSeries Contains the period and forecast quantity of a product for a specific time period.
ForecastQuantity Forecast Contains the forecast quantity of a product for a specific time period.
ProductMovementItemIDInfo ConsignmentMovement A reference to the line item in a movement document.
InvoiceItemIDInfo ConsignmentMovement Line item of an invoice created by the buyer against the movement item.

ProductRevisionID Element

This is a new element. It contains a sequential number that is assigned when changes are made to component.

PropertyReference Element

This is a new element. See PropertyValuation Element.

PropertyValuation Element

This is a new element. It consists of the property and its associated values.

PropertyValuation has the following elements:

Element Description
PropertyReference A reference to the property being assigned values.
ValueGroup Contains a group of values for a property.

PropertyValue Element

This is a new element. It consists of values for valuating a property. It has a name attribute and a Characteristic element.

ReceiptItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
compositeItemType Specifies whether a parent item uses group-level pricing. Possible values are "groupLevel" and "itemLevel".

ReceiptItemReference Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
lineNumber In the scenario where the OrderRequest is blank, the line number refers to the shipNoticeLineNumber of the Component Ship Notice, that is, the ship notice referenced in the ShipNoticeReference.

ScheduleLine Element

The following element was added:

Element Description
SubcontractingComponent Information about a subcontracting component which is used to manufacture finished goods.

ServiceEntryDetailShipping Element

The following element was changed:

Element Description
ShipmentIdentifier Multiple identifiers can now be added for this element, and an attribute domain was added to the DTD to allow differentiation between identifiers.

ServiceEntryItem Element

The following attributes were added:

Attribute Description
referenceDate The reference date for the blanket order or contract item. The usage of this attribute is optional in most cases and must be defined by the trading partners involved in the transaction. Procurement software might use this date in reconciling an invoice against a blanket order or contract.
inspectionDate The date when the transfer of goods or the delivery of services occurs according to legal tax definitions. The usage of this attribute is optional in most cases, and must be defined by the trading partners involved in the transaction.

The following elements were added:

Element Description
Tax The tax information for this line item. It is ignored if isTaxInLine is false.
GrossAmount The SubtotalAmount plus taxes, shipping, and special handling charges.
ServiceEntryDetailLineSpecialHandling The special handling information for this line item. It is ignored if isSpecialHandlingInLine is false.
ServiceEntryDetailLineShipping The shipping information for this line item. It is ignored if isShippingInLine is false.
ShipNoticeIDInfo References shipment related document identifiers.
ServiceEntryDetailDiscount The discount information for this line item. It is ignored if isDiscountInLine is false.
ServiceEntryItemModifications Additional charges, allowances and their taxes that are incurred for the total landed cost of the goods and service contained in this service sheet item.
TotalCharges Total sum of all the charges applied on the goods and services at the line item level in a service sheet.
TotalAllowances Total sum of all the allowances applied on the goods and services at the line item level in a service sheet.
TotalAmountWithoutTax Total sum of the subtotal, charges (including special handling charges and shipping charges), allowances (including discounts) applied at the line item level in a service sheet. This does not include taxes.
NetAmount The GrossAmount minus discount amount.
PriceBasisQuantity The quantity the price is quoted on.

ServiceEntryRequestHeader Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
ServiceEntryDetailLineIndicator Header-level indicators indicating certain information is provided at service sheet line level (in ServiceEntryItem).
ServiceEntryDetailShipping Shipping details related to the auto-generated service sheet. It is ignored if isShippingInLine is true.
ShipNoticeIDInfo References shipment related document identifiers.
PaymentTerm Defines the payment terms for this invoice.

ServiceEntrySummary Element

The following elements were added:

Element Description
Tax Tax information.
SpecialHandlingAmount Special handling charge.
ShippingAmount Shipping charge.
GrossAmount Sum of subtotal, taxes, special handling charges, and shipping charges, before discounts.
ServiceEntryDetailDiscount The total discount applied in this ServiceEntryRequest. Its contained percentageRate attribute is ignored if isDiscountInLine is true.
ServiceEntryHeaderModifications The additional charges, allowances and their taxes that are incurred for the total landed cost of the goods and services within the service sheet header. This value specified at the header-level is not the aggregated value towards the charges or allowances available for the line items.
ServiceEntrySummaryLineItemModifications Summary of all modifications applied on the goods and services at the line item level in a service entry.
TotalCharges The total sum of all the charges applied on the goods and services at the header-level and line item level in a service sheet.
TotalAllowances The total sum of all the allowances applied on the goods and services at the header-level and line item level in a service sheet.
TotalAmountWithoutTax The total sum of the subtotal, charges (including special handling charges and shipping charges), allowances (including discounts) applied at the header-level and line item level in a service sheet. This does not include taxes.
NetAmount Gross amount minus discounts.
DepositAmount Total deposit or prepayment amount.
DueAmount Total amount due and payable. It equals NetAmount minus DepositAmount. If ServiceEntryRequest@purpose is "creditMemo" or "lineLevelCreditMemo", this amount must be negative. If ServiceEntryRequest@purpose is "debitMemo", this amount must be positive.

ShipControl Element

The following element was changed:

Element Description
ShipmentIdentifier Multiple identifiers can now be added for this element, and an attribute domain was added to the DTD to allow differentiation between identifiers.

ShipmentIdentifier Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
domain Used to differentiate identifiers that are included in the ShipmentIdentifier element. The value of domain can depend on requirements. For example, it might be "trackingNumber" (default value) or "billOfLading".

ShipNoticeItem Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
compositeItemType Specifies whether a parent item uses group-level pricing. Possible values are "groupLevel" and "itemLevel".

The following elements were added:

Element Description
Batch An element carrying batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run.
ComponentConsumptionDetails Contains information about component consumption.

ShipTo Element

The following element was changed:

Element Description
CarrierIdentifier This element was previously defined as CarrierIdentifier? (one or none occurrence). It can now occur zero or more times.

SubcontractingComponent Element

This is a new element contained in ScheduleLine. It contains a buyer's detailed information about a subcontracting component that is used to manufacture finished goods.

SubcontractingComponent has the following elements:

Element Contained In Description
ComponentID SubcontractingComponent An element carrying a buyer's identifier for a subcontracting component within the procurement process.
UnitOfMeasure SubcontractingComponent Unit of measure code.
Description SubcontractingComponent Description of subcontracting component.
Product SubcontractingComponent An element containing product information for a subcontracting component, such as a buyer product ID, supplier product ID, standard product ID, or internal product ID.
ProductRevisionID SubcontractingComponent An element carrying an identifier for a specific change made to a component. This is a sequential number that is assigned when changes are made to an object.
Batch SubcontractingComponent
An element carrying batch information for material or goods produced in a single manufacturing run. For example, Batch can include ID, characteristic, or date.

SupplierPartID Element

The following attribute was added:

Attribute Description
revisionID An attribute that specifies the material revision level of an item.

TimeSeries Element

See ProductActivityMessage Element.

ValueGroup Element

This is a new element. It contains a group of values for a property being assigned values.

ValueGroup has the following elements:

Element Description
IdReference Defines an ID reference. The identifier/domain pair should be unique within each trading partner relationship (a buying organization and a supplier).
ParentID An identifier of the parent.
PropertyValue Properties for valuating a property.


OrderRequesttHeader Element Enhancements

The OrderRequestHeader element now has a new attribute, isSchedulingAgreementRelease that indicates if the type of purchase order is a scheduling agreement release.

ReleaseInfo Element

The ReleaseInfo element stores the release information for a line item in the scheduling agreement release. This optional element has been added to the ItemOut element.

The ReleaseInfo contains the following elements:

This element has the following attributes:

ScheduleLineReleaseInfo Element

ScheduleLineReleaseInfo stores details about a specific release of items or materials for a schedule line. This element has been added to the ScheduleLine element.

ScheduleLineReleaseInfo contains the following attributes:

MasterAgreementIDInfo and MasterAgreementReference Element Enhancements

A new attribute, agreementType, has been added to the MasterAgreementIDInfo element and MasterAgreementReference element to indicate whether the referenced agreement is a scheduling agreement release.

ShipNoticePortion Element Enhancement

This element can now contain one of the following optional elements:

These optional elements are used in a ship notice for a scheduling agreement release.


OrderStatusRequest Document

The OrderStatusRequest document allows buyers to request information from suppliers on the status of the purchase order. This document contains the following elements:

The OrderStatusRequestHeader has the following elements:

The OrderStatusRequestHeader element has the following attributes:

This OrderStatusRequestItem element contains the following elements:

The ItemReference element has the lineNumber attribute.

The ConfirmationRequest can include the OrderStatusRequestReference and OrderStatusRequestIDInfo as optional elements to explicitly reference the OrderStatusRequest associated to the ConfirmationRequest.

QuoteRequestHeader Element Enhancements

The QuoteRequestHeader element now has the following attributes:

The QuoteRequestHeader element no longer supports the requestVersion attribute.

SupplierInvitation Element Enhancements

The SupplierSelector element now contains the SupplierInvitation element to define how the supplier was invited for a QuoteRequest.

The SupplierInvitation element has the following elements:

The SupplierInvitation element has the following attribute:

This attribute can have the following values:

QuoteItemOut Element Enhancements

The QuoteItemOut element now contains the Total element.

QuoteMessage Element Enhancements

The QuoteMessageHeader element now has the following attributes:

The QuoteMessageHeader element now has the following elements:

Tolerances Element Enhancement

This element included in the ItemOut element now supports tolerances in invoices.

PostalAddress Element

The PostalAddress element now stores the one or many Extrinsic elements to support additional information on the postal address. Extrinsics can be added for PO Box, House Number, Building, and so on.

BillFrom Element

The InvoiceDetailRequest document also stores the Contact role=billFrom.

TaxRegime Element

This element is included in the TaxDetail element and allows you to specify the tax classification related to the type of supplier activities and commodities in invoices. Suppliers pay taxes based on the tax regime.

Tax Regime is the governing organization for a tax category.

Municipality Element

This element specifies the name of the municipality for a division of the state in an Address' location.

withholdingTaxType Extrinsic

This extrinsic is used to specify if the tax category has the withholding tax. This extrinsic is added as part of the TaxDetail element for the TaxDetail category="withholdingTax".

InvoiceItemModification Element

The InvoiceDetailItem element now stores the InvoiceItemModification element. This element specifies the additional Charges, Allowances, and their taxes that are incurred for the total landed cost of the goods and service for an invoice item. This elements is also available in the InvoiceDetailIServicetem element.

Total Charges Element

This new element is now available in the InvoiceDetailItem element and specifies the total sum of all the charges applied on the goods and services. This elements is also available in the InvoiceDetailIServicetem element.

TotalAllowances Elements

This element specifies the total sum of all the allowances applied on the goods and services. This elements is also available in the InvoiceDetailIServicetem element.

InvoiceHeaderModifications Element

This element specifies the additional Charges, Allowances, and their taxes that are incurred for the total landed cost of the goods and services at the invoice header-level. The InvoiceDetailSummary element also stores the TotalCharges and TotalAllowances elements.

Tax Element Enhancement

The tax element now includes the taxes on allowances and charges.

ServiceEntryRequest Document

The new ServiceEntryRequest document allows suppliers to respond to orders for services by describing the services they provided in detail.

The ServiceEntryRequest document has the following main elements:

requiresServiceEntry Attribute

This attribute is added to the ItemOut element in OrderRequest documents and specifies whether a purchase order item requires a service sheet to describe services provided.

ServiceEntryRequest documentType

The documentType attribute of the DocumentInfo element accepts the new valid ServiceEntryRequest value for StatusUpdateRequest documents for service sheets.

ServiceEntryItemReference Element

This element is added to the InvoiceDetailItem and InvoiceDetailServiceItem elements in InvoiceDetailRequest. It explicitly references the service sheet and service sheet line on which the invoice line is based. It contains a Document element with a payloadID attribute that defines a ServiceOrderReques> document.


This element is added to the InvoiceDetailItem and InvoiceDetailServiceItem elements in InvoiceDetailRequest. It references the service sheet on which the invoice line is based. It contains an IdReference element that defines an identifier and domain pair.

SupplierBatchID Element

This element is included in the following elements:

SupplierBatchID is the batch ID provided by the supplier at the line item quantity level to identify the batch in which the item or the product was produced. SupplierBatchID helps trace items to their batches.

ScheduleLine Element

This element is included in the ItemOut element and specifies information related to delivery schedules for a line item. This element stores the UnitOfMeasure element and has the following attributes:

shipNoticeLineNumber Attribute

This attribute is included in the ShipNoticeItem element and specifies the ship notice line numbers.

pickUpDate Attribute

This attribute is included in the OrderRequestHeader element and specifies the date when the order should be ready for pickup and delivery.

requestedDeliveryDate Attribute

This attribute is included in the OrderRequestHeader element and specifies the essential date information for the supplier as well as for the freight forwarder.

DeliveryPeriod Element

This element is included in the OrderRequestHeader element and specifies the earliest date and latest date when either the supplier can deliver the goods or when the receiver is able to handle incoming shipments.

This element contains the Period element and the following attributes:

IdReference Element Enhancement

The IdReference element is now available in the following elements:

addressIDDomain Attribute

This attribute is included in the Contact and Address elements to specify the code that represents the agency or organization responsible for the addressID numbering.

Extrinsic Element

This element is now included in the Contact element.

ItemOutIndustry Element

This element is added to the ItemOut element and contains the industry-specific information.

ItemOutRetail Element

This element is included in the ItemOutIndustry element to specify industry-specific information for line items. This element has the following elements:

ItemDetailIndustry Element

This element is included in the ItemDetail element and specifies industry-specific information.

ItemDetailRetail Element

This element is included in the ItemDetailIndustry element and contains item-specific information for the retail industry. This element has the following elements:

Packaging Element

This element is included in the ItemDetail element and specifies the packaging information for line items. This element has the following elements:

BuyerPartID Element

This element is now included in the following elements:

InvoiceDetailItemRetail Element

This element is added to the InvoiceDetailItemIndustry element and specifies information about the retail industry. This element has the following elements:

InvoiceDetailItemReferenceIndustry Element

This element is included in the InvoiceDetailItemReference element and defines the references related to an invoice line item.

InvoiceDetailItemReferenceRetail Element

This element is included in the InvoiceDetailItemReferenceIndustry element and specifies details for the retail industry. This element has the following elements:

Dimension Element Enhancements

The Dimension element is included in the following elements:

The type attribute for the Dimension element now supports the following new values:

TermsOfTransport Element

This element is included in the ShipNoticeHeader element and specifies the shipping terms regarding the transportation of the goods. This element has the following elements:

Description Element Enhancement

The Description element in the ItemDetail now includes the type attribute.

ShipNoticeIDInfo Element

This element is now included in the InvoiceDetailItem element and specifies additional reference IDs for shipment related IDs. This element has the IdReference element and the following attributes:

InvoiceDetailSummaryIndustry Element

This element is included in the InvoiceDetailSummary element and specifies the summary-level information for the industry information.

InvoiceDetailSummaryIndustry Element

This element is included in the InvoiceDetailSummary element and specifies the summary-level information for the industry information.

PaymentRemittanceStatus type Attribute Enhancement

The type attribute in the PaymentRemittanceStatus element now supports an additional status "paying" type. The new "paying" type specifies that the payment transaction is in progress.


Tolerances Element

The ItemOut elem

The ItemOut element now includes the Tolerances element to specify tolerances in purchase orders. This element allows buyers to specify line item quantity tolerance for individual purchase orders or different line items in a purchase order they send from their order management system. The tolerances specified in the purchase order are applied when a supplier creates ship notices against the purchase order. The Tolerances element contains the QuantityTolerance and PriceTolerance elements.

TransportInformation Element

The ShipTo element now includes the TransportInformation element to specify the transport information in purchase orders or ship notices. The TransportInformation element contains the Route method, ShippingContractNumber, and ShippingInstruction elements.

TermsofDelivery Element

The OrderRequestHeader and ShipNoticeHeader elements now include the TermsofDelivery element to send delivery information at the header level in purchase orders or ship notices.

This element can also be added in the ItemOut element or the ShipNoticeItem element to send a purchase order or ship notice with delivery information at the line-item level.

The TermsofDelivery element has the following elements:

shipmentType Attribute

The ShipNoticeHeader element now includes a new shipmentType attribute to specify if the type of ship notice is actual or estimated.

IdReference and Comments Elements

The ShipNoticeHeader element now includes the IdReference and Comments elements to specify additional information in the ship notices.

trackingNumberDate Attribute

The ShipmentIdentifier element now includes the trackingNumberDate attribute that can store the tracking date provided by your carrier.

Modifications Element

The Total element now includes the Modifications element to store any modification to the original price or shipping price of the item at the header level. This element can store a set of one or more Modification elements and contains the following elements:

The Modification element is also included in the ItemDetail, ConfirmationHeader, and ConfirmationStatus elements.

QuoteRequest Element

The QuoteRequest element now includes details on the requests for quotations sent by the buyer to the sourcing application.

The QuoteRequestHeader element has the following attributes:

The QuoteRequestHeader element has the following elements:

QuoteItemOut Element

The QuoteItemOut element stores details on the line items sent in a QuoteRequest element.

The QuoteItemOut element has the following attributes:

The QuoteItemOut element has the following elements:

QuoteMessage Element

The QuoteMessage element is used by the sourcing application to send quotes to the buyer.

The QuoteMessageHeader element has the following attributes:

The QuoteMessageHeader element has the following elements:

QuoteItemIn Element

The QuoteItemIn element stores details on the line items in a QuoteMessage element.

This element has the following attributes:

The QuoteItemIn has the following elements:


PriceBasisQuantity Element

The PriceBasisQuantity element is included in the ItemDetail element in purchase orders, blanket purchase orders, and order confirmations and in the InvoiceDetailtem and InvoiceDetailServiceItem elements in invoices.

itemType and parentLineNumber Attributes

The itemType and parentLineNumber attributes are now included in the following elements:

InvoiceDetailItem and InvoiceDetailServiceItem contains parentInvoiceLineNumber attributes.


TaxDetail Element

The TaxDetail element now includes an Extrinsic element so additional tax-related information can be included. TaxDetail also includes a new attribute, exemptDetail. The exemptDetail attribute allows specification of why an item has no tax.

Tax Element

The Tax element now includes an Extrinsic element for additional tax-related information.


The StatusUpdateRequest element now includes an Extrinsic element. This can be used for additional information about the status of the document being updated.


SubscriptionStatusUpdateRequest Documents

A new transaction, SubscriptionStatusUpdateRequest, is now included in Catalog Subscriptions.

invoiceOrigin Attribute

The InvoiceDetailRequestHeader element now includes the invoiceOrigin attribute for invoice categorization purposes.



Expense Extrinsics for TimeCards

The TimeCard element now includes expense extrinsics. This allows contractors to include expense information in time cards and submit them to their customers for verification.

Organization Data Requests

Buying organizations can now use the OrganizationDataRequest transaction to receive supplier profile information and updates from the Ariba Supplier Network.

PaymentRemittanceStatusUpdateRequest Extrinsics

The PaymentRemittanceStatusUpdateRequest element now supports extrinsics. The OriginalSupplierAccountNumber, CorrectedSupplierAccountNumber, OriginalSupplierBankAbaNumber, and CorrectedSupplierBankAbaNumber extrinsics allow buyers to validate bank account information entered by suppliers.



Asset Information in Ship Notices

Serial numbers, asset tags, and extrinsics are now allowed within ShipNoticeItem elements. This allows suppliers to provide product serial numbers and asset information to their customers for verification.

Blanket Purchase Orders

The OrderRequest element now supports blanket purchase orders, a type of purchase order that specifies a blanket amount committed to be spent without requiring all the details when the purchase order is created.

Line-Item Credit Memos

The InvoiceDetailRequestHeader element now allows suppliers to send line-item credit memos to provide buyers with detailed information on credits and to comply with EU requirements. This allows suppliers to create a new credit memo type in addition to the header level credit memo.

Level 2 PunchOut Enhancements

The PunchoutDetail element now allows suppliers to provide more catalog details on products: the unit price, lead time, and unit of measure. Procurement applications can use this information to enhance the search experience.

LaborDetail Extrinsics

The LaborDetail element, which describes temporary labor in the SpendDetail element, now supports extrinsics. Buyers might want to send their own extrinsics to the supplier, such as the region in which the work is done.



Multiple Signature Support

Multiple independent digital signatures on a document may be required. cXML 1.2.017 now allows multiple occurrences of the ds:Signature element in a cXML document. This may be useful in some situations, such as cross-border trade that must conform to VAT invoicing rules.

XAdES 1.3.2 Support

cXML 1.2.017 now supports XAdES 1.3.2. XAdES 1.1.1 is no longer supported. Documents conforming to the cXML 1.2.017 DTD that need to use XAdES must use XAdES version 1.3.2.



New Correspondent Element in Headers

cXML documents can identify unknown sending or receiving organizations with a new Correspondent element. This element can appear in the To or From elements in the cXML header. It identifies organizations that are not known to one of the parties involved in the transaction.

New punchoutLevel Attribute

cXML PunchOut index catalog items can use a new punchoutLevel attribute to specify the type of PunchOut available: store, aisle, shelf, or product. Procurement applications can display these items differently to indicate the type of PunchOut available.



Scheduled Payment Document

Scheduled payment (PaymentProposalRequest) documents allow buying organizations to inform their suppliers about planned payments. They list future payment dates and discounts and can be for information only or for triggering payment.

InvoiceIDInfo Added to StatusUpdateRequest

Buying organizations can now use the new InvoiceIDInfo element to identify invoices in StatusUpdateRequest documents. This element identifies invoices by invoiceID and invoiceDate. Previously, buying organizations could identify invoices only by payloadID.



New Data Download Transaction

The data download transaction (DataRequest and DataResponse documents) allow cXML clients to download waiting documents that reside on cXML servers. Clients use the get pending transaction to poll for waiting documents. The server returns a DataAvailableMessage element to indicate that there are waiting documents. Clients then use the data download transaction to download those documents. The server returns waiting documents in a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) envelope.

PCard Element Added to Payment Remittance Document

The PCard element has been added to the PaymentPartner element within payment remittance documents. Buying organizations can use this element to charge purchasing cards after they approve invoices.

remitTo Role Added to PaymentPartner Contact

remitTo has been added as a possible value for the role attribute in Contact elements within the PaymentPartner element. Buying organizations can use this value to specify suppliers’ remittance addresses in PaymentRemittanceRequest documents.



New Description Element Added to Invoice SpecialHandlingAmount

The invoice SpecialHandlingAmount element has a new Description element. Suppliers can use this element to describe the reason for the special handling charge.



CopyRequest Enhancement

Buyer and supplier organizations should now use attachments to fulfill copy requests. In cXML 1.2.011, the use of the cXML element as a child of CopyRequest is deprecated. Instead, use the cXMLAttachment element to attach another cXML document, whether or not it contains attachments itself.

New PaymentRemittance Transaction

PaymentRemittanceRequest and PaymentRemittanceStatusUpdateRequest documents allow buying organizations to pay suppliers for provided products or services. These documents allow buyers to specify payment schedules, specify discounts, and send payments regardless of where payments are made, and to ensure that payments have been received.

The PaymentRemittance transaction supports payment transaction details for a wide variety of business scenarios, including standard invoices, credit memos, and debit memos.

Procurement applications send PaymentRemittanceRequest documents and suppliers respond with generic response documents. When payment transaction status levels are updated, procurement applications send PaymentRemittanceStatusUpdateRequest documents.

InvoiceDetailPaymentTerm Deprecated

InvoiceDetailPaymentTerm is deprecated in cXML 1.2.011, in favor of PaymentTerm (described below). cXML implementations for payment should use PaymentTerm.

New PaymentTerm Element

Defines the payment term in orders and invoices. This deprecates the InvoiceDetailPaymentTerm previously defined. PaymentTerm defines either the net term (without discount) or the discount term (with discount).

Digital Signature Support

Any cXML Request, Response, or Message can now be signed using W3C XML Digital Signatures. Support for the XAdES (XML Advanced Electronic Signature) standard is also included. A valid cXML signature is an XML signature with certain properties, so additional signature elements now appear in all DTD files.

New SpendDetail Element

The new SpendDetail element enables buyers and suppliers to automate the transaction process for spend in three new categories: travel, fees, and labor. There are three new elements within SpendDetail: TravelDetail, FeeDetail, and LaborDetail, in addition to the Extrinsic element.

TravelDetail Element

TravelDetail contains information about travel line items for air, car rental, hotel, and rail in ItemIn and ItemOut elements. In addition, cXML 1.2.011 supports the use of Extrinsic elements in SpendDetail, to enable buyer-supplier pairs to convey detailed information on spend that is not yet explicitly defined in cXML.

With cXML 1.2.011, users can access a travel booking provider's website and make travel reservations. To meet the particular requirements of the travel industry, TravelDetail supports an OrderRequest of type "delete", which can be sent to a travel booking provider after PunchOut to cancel an existing reservation. This also enables suppliers to cancel a leg of an air trip, for example, while replacing it with a new air leg. New transactions are in cXML.dtd.

FeeDetail Element

The new FeeDetail element of SpendDetail conveys information about one-time or recurring fees that are not explicitly defined elsewhere in cXML. For example, a one-time fee for furniture rental would not fall into any category defined in TravelDetail or LaborDetail, but could be described in FeeDetail.

LaborDetail Element

LaborDetail contains information about an item related to temporary labor.


The use of Extrinsic details is now supported in SpendDetail, enabling buyer-supplier pairs to convey detailed information on spend that does not fit within TravelDetail, FeeDetail, or LaborDetail. Extrinsic elements are intended to provide additional machine-readable information. They extend the cXML protocol to support features not required by all implementations. The cXML specification does not define the content of Extrinsic elements. Each buyer-supplier pair must agree on and implement their definitions of Extrinsic elements.

New TimeCard Element

Timecards for temporary employees can now be transmitted by cXML. The TimeCard element documents hours worked, dates worked, and pay rates. Two new requests contain the TimeCard element: TimeCardInfoRequest, which allows buyers to send time cards to suppliers or staffing agencies, and TimeCardRequest, which allows suppliers and staffing agencies to send timecards to buyers.

New LeadTime Element

ItemDetail now contains an optional LeadTime element which describes the number of days needed for the buyer to receive the product in question. In an IndexItemAdd element, duplicate LeadTime information might come from both ItemDetail, where it is optional, and IndexItemDetail, where it is mandatory. If LeadTime elements are defined in both cases, then they should be identical.

Limited Changes in Use of UnitOfMeasure and UnitRate

In the context of an InvoiceDetailServiceItem element or a LaborDetail element, UnitOfMeasure and UnitPrice are deprecated in cXML 1.2.011, and should not be used. Use UnitRate instead, because it includes the rate code. For some services, such as temporary labor, UnitRate is required.

UnitRate represents the amount to be paid per unit of time (or of some other measure). In the case of multiple UnitRates, each UnitRate should include a TermReference to distinguish it from others. TermReference is a generic base element that identifies the definition of the UnitRate in question.

New preferredLang Attribute

The Email element now contains an optional preferredLang attribute. This attribute allows optional language information to be associated with email addresses so that email messages are constructed in the preferred language.

SearchDataElement Change

A change to SearchDataElement allows suppliers producing catalog content to specify the searchable type name without being forced to specify additional searchable information about the item. Formerly, it was <!ELEMENT SearchGroupData (Name, SearchDataElement+)>. Now, it is <!ELEMENT SearchGroupData (Name, SearchDataElement*)>.

New inspectionDate Attribute

You can now specify inspection dates for invoice lines using a new optional attribute called inspectionDate, which has been added to the InvoiceDetailItem, InvoiceDetailServiceItem, and InvoiceDetailOrderSummary elements. The inspectionDate attribute represents the date when the transfer of goods or the delivery of services occurs according to legal tax definitions. In most locations, use of this attribute is optional.

Followup Element Deprecated

As of cXML 1.2.011, the use of the Followup element is strongly discouraged. In early implementations, Followup was used to specify the URL to which future StatusUpdateRequest documents should be posted.

All cXML implementations should use the more robust Profile transaction to retrieve and convey information about server capabilities, including supported cXML version, supported transactions, and options to those transactions. See “Profile Transaction” on page 24 for more information.



Better Support for Change Orders

Previously, there was no uniform way to denote the version of change orders. Some implementations added a version number to the order number, such as -V2.

Now, cXML has better support for change orders through two new OrderRequestHeader attributes.

Attribute Description
Specifies the order version number of change orders, starting with "1" for the original order.
Indicates whether the order includes changes that are relevant only within the buying organization. For example, a minor change was made that does not affect information used by the supplier. Suppliers might not see internal order versions, depending on their customers' configuration.

New SerialNumber Element in Invoices

The invoice InvoiceDetailItemReference serialNumber attribute has been deprecated and replaced with a repeating SerialNumber element.

This change enables suppliers to uniquely identify multiple items with serial numbers per invoice line item. The number of SerialNumber elements should match the invoice quantity.

New isRequiredForOrdering Attribute

Catalog type definition TypeAttribute elements can use a new attribute named isRequiredForOrdering:

Attribute Description
isRequiredForOrdering Specifies the order version number of change orders, starting with "1" for the original order.

Catalog fields with this attribute cause procurement applications to require requisitioners to enter a value for the field before allowing the item into requisitions.

New Elements for Service Invoices

InvoiceDetailRequest documents now have better support for invoicing for supplied services. Previously, invoices did not capture all of the information mandated by the diverse requirements of service invoicing.

Enhanced VAT Support in Invoices

InvoiceDetailRequest documents now have better support for specifying VAT (value added tax) information mandated by some European countries. The following new VAT features can be specified within TaxDetail elements at either the invoice header level or the line-item level.

In addition, subsequentBuyer is a new Contact role that allows for identifying subsequent buying organizations in triangular transactions.

Direct PunchOut

Direct PunchOut is a new cXML capability that can reduce the time it takes clients to display the first page of a PunchOut site during PunchOut session initiation.

It enables clients to send cXML PunchOutSetupRequest documents directly to PunchOut sites for authentication, without first going through a network hub for authentication and forwarding.

New Authentication Methods

Direct PunchOut is made possible by two new authentication methods available in cXML:

Servers indicate which authentication method they support through their cXML Profile.

New ProfileResponse PunchOutSetupRequest options

Servers indicate that they support direct PunchOut and specify the authentication methods they support by including the following new options for PunchOutSetupRequest in ProfileResponse documents.

<Transaction requestName="PunchOutSetupRequest">
   <Option name="Direct.URL"></Option>
   <Option name="Direct.AuthenticationMethod.CredentialMac">Yes</Option>
   <Option name="Direct.AuthenticationMethod.Certificate">Yes</Option>

New MAC Authentication Method

A new document authentication method uses Message Authentication Codes (MACs) to allow the authentication of documents sent directly from a client to a server without passing through a trusted third party (such as a commerce network hub). These documents contain a credential with an authentication code that can be interpreted only by the trusted third party and the receiving server, not by the sender.

A MAC conveys a receiver’s shared secret without revealing it to senders by encoding it through a hash.

MACs combine specific data with the receiver’s shared secret and they are computed with the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm described in IETF RFC 2104, “HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication”.

Direct PunchOut is a transaction that relies on MAC authentication.

New ProfileResponse Options

To support the communication of MACs from trusted third parties (such as commerce network hubs) to clients, there are new options for the ProfileResponse document:

   <Option name="CredentialMac.type">FromSenderCredentials</Option>
   <Option name="CredentialMac.algorithm">HMAC-SHA1-96</Option>
   <Option name="CredentialMac.creationDate">2003-01-15T08:42:46-0800</Option>
   <Option name="CredentialMac.expirationDate">2003-01-15T11:42:46-0800</Option>
   <Option name="CredentialMac.value">cR6Jpz58nriXERDN</Option>

New CredentialMac Element

To support the communication of MACs from senders to receivers, a new CredentialMac element has been added to the Credential element:

   <Credential domain=”NetworkId”>
      <CredentialMac type=”FromSenderCredentials”

      <UserAgent>Procurement System 2.0</UserAgent>

New Auth Transaction

The Auth transaction is a new method for validating organizations’ credentials through a mutually trusted third party. It should be used to authenticate received documents that do not contain either a cXML shared secret or a MAC. The receiver encloses the credential of the sender (the principal) in an AuthRequest document and sends it to the trusted third party for validation.

If the principal attempts to authenticate using a client digital certificate, the receiver includes both the principal’s credential and information about the principal’s certificate in the AuthRequest document. (The receiver obtains this certificate information from its Web server or SSL/TLS implementation.)

If the credential (and optional certificate) authenticates, the trusted third party responds with a positive AuthResponse that contains the validated credential.

The receiver can cache the results of the Auth transaction until the expiration date indicated in the AuthResponse. During this period, if the principal presents the same credential and certificate, the receiver need not send another AuthRequest.


Status Code Clarification

Response status codes 200 and 201 have changed slightly and two new codes, 280 and 281, are introduced:



Added Type Definitions

Type definitions are a new document type used to describe supplemental catalog attributes and parametric data fields for catalogs. The new Type element replaces the deprecated SearchGroup element.

Type definitions provide a richer and more general framework for defining parametric types, and they allow the definition and standardization of parametric types from type provider organizations independent of catalog index data in which SearchGroup elements resided.

The SearchGroupData and SearchDataElement elements continue to specify the actual parametric data for a given catalog item. SearchGroupData must reference a defined type, and SearchDataElement specifies data for each type attribute within that type.

The TypeDefinition document is defined in a new cXML DTD named Catalog.dtd.

Added Catalog loadmode Attribute

The Index element has a new attribute named loadmode, which can be set to either "Full" or "Incremental" to indicate whether the catalog should be loaded into the target application as a complete catalog or an incremental change.

Previously, all cXML catalogs were incremental.

Added Ad-Hoc Item Flag

The ItemOut element in purchase orders has a new attribute named isAdHoc, which indicates that the item is a non-catalog (ad-hoc) item.

Non-catalog items are items entered manually by requisitioners, not items selected from electronic catalogs. Often, these items do not have part numbers. Non-catalog orders usually require special validation and processing.

Users enter non-catalog items to purchase products and services on an ad-hoc basis or because they could not find them in electronic catalogs.

If isAdHoc="yes" exists for some items and not for others, the requisition should be broken into two requisitions: one for catalog items and one for non-catalog items. Suppliers will then be able to automatically process as many requisition items as possible, instead of having to manually process both catalog and non-catalog items.

Added Backordered Flag

Suppliers can now issue ConfirmationRequest documents to indicate that items are back ordered.

The new type="backordered" attribute value can be used in either ConfirmationHeader for the entire order or in ConfirmationStatus for individual line items.

Contract Element Deprecated

The Contract element for defining contract pricing is deprecated. It is no longer needed, because MasterAgreementRequest documents can handle most of the requirements of contract pricing.

SearchGroup Element Deprecated

The SearchGroup element for defining parametric data categories is deprecated. It is no longer needed, because the new TypeDefinition element defines parametric data categories.

Note that catalogs continue to use the SearchGroupData element to populate parametric data.



InvoiceDetail Documentation

The InvoiceDetail transaction is now fully described in Chapter 9, "Invoices" in the cXML User's Guide.

version Attribute Deprecated

The version attribute of the cXML wrapper element has been deprecated. This attribute is not needed, because applications can detect the cXML version from the system identifier in the DOCTYPE declaration.

InvoiceStatus Added to StatusUpdateRequest

StatusUpdateRequest documents can contain a new element named InvoiceStatus. Buying organizations can now use these documents to update the status of invoices on commerce network hubs, which can forward them to suppliers. Invoice status can be reconciled, rejected, or paid.

The new InvoiceStatus element can contain a new PartialAmount element, which specifies the amount paid against the InvoiceDetailRequest. If this element exists, the buying organization does not pay the full amount specified within the InvoiceDetailRequest.

Multiple Provider URLs Returned by ProfileRequest

The Profile transaction can now return multiple variations of a single transaction type. Previously, if a cXML server supported multiple variations of a transaction, there was no standard for distinguishing them.

For example, a marketplace might provide two services within the ProviderSetupRequest transaction: signin and console. The ProfileResponse document can now specify the location of each variation:

<Transaction requestName="ProviderSetupRequest">
  <Option name="service">signin</Option>

<Transaction requestName="ProviderSetupRequest">
  <Option name="service">console</Option>

Contact Role Enhancements for Compatibility with EDI

To enable easier data translation between EDI and cXML documents, there are new values for the Contact role attribute and the IdReference domain attribute.



New InvoiceDetail.dtd

The InvoiceDetail transaction was added to support detailed invoicing. This transaction enables suppliers to invoice buying organizations through commerce network hubs for the entirety or portion of single or multiple orders. This transaction introduces the InvoiceDetailRequest document and uses a standard cXML Response document.

Use this transaction to inform buying organizations of invoice details, including order references, line item references, partners involved, accounting and financing, discount terms, shipping and special handling, applicable taxes, deposit and payment, and contact and remittance information. Use InvoiceDetail to send an invoice for any portion of all or selected line items from single or multiple orders. You can also use InvoiceDetail to send a credit or debit memo, or a duplicate copy of invoices sent earlier.



Added addressID Attribute to Contact

This attribute supports address codes for relationships that require id references.

Added TaxDetail Element to Tax

Tax element can contain repeatable TaxDetail elements. TaxDetail provides information regarding taxable amount, tax amount, tax location, tax purpose, tax category, tax rate, whether the tax is VAT recoverable, and textual description.

Added MasterAgreementRequest Transaction

Provides the capability of negotiating and creating Master Agreements with suppliers and creating Release Orders from these Master Agreements. Master Agreement documents can be routed from a procurement application to a supplier via a commerce network hub.

Significant MasterAgreementRequestHeader Elements and Attributes Are:

Significant AgreementItemOut Elements and Attributes Are:

Added orderType, agreementID, and agreementPayloadID Attributes to OrderRequest

orderType indicates whether the Order Request is a Release Order from an existing Master Agreement contract. The default is regular.

agreementID identifies the associated agreement corresponding to the Release Order.

agreementPayloadID specifies the PayloadID of the referenced Master Agreement.

Added agreementItemNumber Attribute to ItemOut

Identifies the corresponding item on a particular Master Agreement.

Added Elements and Attributes to Support RFQ (Request For Quote)

When initiating a PunchOut session for sourcing an item rather than extending a catalog search to the PunchOut site, some additions to the PunchOutSetupRequest and related documents improve the application integrations. These additions should be used only when the originating application is sure the destination supports them. They are not completely compatible with existing PunchOut destinations.

Added "source" operation to PunchOutSetupRequest

The operation attribute of the PunchOutSetupRequest now has an additional option in its enumeration. This allows a procurement application to begin a PunchOut session with reference to information present in the ItemOut element list rather than the SelectedItem element. Otherwise, the new operation is very similar to a "create" operation.

Added SupplierList Element to ItemOut

This new element may be used instead of a single SupplierID in the ItemOut element. SupplierList element defines a list of suppliers that might be associated with a sourced item. The ItemOut elements may specify a list of suppliers that could be involved in the sourcing process. The Supplier List needs the name and the list of SupplierIDs for that particular supplier.

Added SourcingStatus Element to PunchOutOrderMessageHeader and StatusUpdateRequest

Transfers information for the update of a given RFQ transaction, including the type of update. The content of the element can be a textual description of the update, such as the actual status update string used in the UI for display.

Added quoteStatus Attribute to PunchOutOrderMessage

Specifies whether the quote is still pending or final. This is a replacement for various hacks used to prevent submission of requisitions that include unfinished quotes. If set, the application should return for updates prior to allowing submission.

Corrected the Fixed Value of an a-dtype Attribute

The datatypes of the ProfileResponse attributes as expressed in the a-type fixed attribute of that element were incorrect in the 1.2.004 DTD. This was a regression of the defect mentioned below as fixed in 1.2.003.

Added itemDetailsRequired Attribute to Node

Indicates that a node would like the ItemDetails element returned in a later PunchOut (edit or inspect) operation. Without this, most procurement applications today default to sending only limited identification information such as the SupplierID, Path and ItemID elements.

This is an extension to the Path Routing feature mentioned in the 1.2.003 notes below.

Added DataAvailableMessage Element

A new message option for use within the GetPendingResponse. Indicates new information is available at the target site.

Moved InternalID Element Definition

Identifies a subscription or any available data.



Added PaymentStatus element to StatusUpdateRequest

This optional element allows more detailed information if the original document is a ConfirmationRequest with type="RequestToPay".

Added ProfileResponse lastRefresh Attribute

The lastRefresh attribute indicates when the server's profile cache last changed. When an application receives a ProfileResponse from a profile caching entity such as a commerce network hub, it will know the age of the data in the cache.



Added Path Routing Feature

Path Routing enables documents to be routed by and copied to intermediary systems such as direct and indirect marketplaces, and commerce service providers. In complex relationships between buyers and suppliers, documents might be routed through several intermediary systems before they reach the end node.

Added an optional Path element to the Header and Item level of cXML documents.

Corrected Datatype of ProfileResponse effectiveDate Attribute


a-dtype NMTOKENS #FIXED 'effectiveDate dateTime'


a-dtype NMTOKENS #FIXED 'effectiveDate'



Added Catalog Upload Transaction

The cXML Catalog Upload transaction enables suppliers to programmatically upload and publish catalogs to a commerce network hub. It can be used to automatically distribute updated catalogs whenever the pricing or availability of products or services changes. The Catalog Upload transaction consists of two cXML documents: CatalogUploadRequest and generic Response. CatalogUploadRequest was added to cXML.dtd.

The Catalog Upload transaction supports both CIF and cXML catalogs.



Added Provider PunchOut Transaction

ProviderSetupRequest, ProviderSetupResponse, and ProviderDoneMessage were added to the cXML.dtd. Provider PunchOut enables an application to punch out to a provider’s application that supplies some service to the originating application, such as credit card validation, single login, or self registration.

Moved Common PunchOut Related Element Definitions

Moved common PunchOut related element definitions to Base.mod from other modules thereby reordering the definitions within cXML.dtd and Fulfill.dtd.

Reordered cXML.dtd

Reordering of cXML.dtd  places the contents of Entities.mod and Profile.mod slightly later in the concatenation.

New Fulfill.dtd



Added Extrinsic Element to PunchoutDetail

The PunchoutDetail element can now contain an Extrinsic list. This is used in a IndexItemPunchout (also correct with that capitalization) element in a static catalogue.

Added ConfirmationRequest and ShipNoticeRequest

Released a draft version of Fulfill.dtd containing ConfirmationRequest and ShipNoticeRequest.



Added CopyRequest Element

The CopyRequest element enables copying and forwarding of messages to new recipients, similar to forwarding an e-mail messages. To accomplish this, a new message is created and sent that includes the original message. It is primarily used by commerce network hubs and marketplace hosts.

Added Comments to Country-Related Elements and Attributes

Better explanations of the country-related elements and attributes have been added to the CountryCode element, and the isoCountryCode attribute on the Address, Country, and CountryCode elements.



Change in Data Type of role Attribute of Contact Element

The data type of the of the Contact element's optional role attribute has been changed from an enumeration containing endUser, administrator, purchasingAgent, technicalSupport, customerService, and sales, to a string with the same allowed values. This change enables the usage of the Contact element to be more easily expanded.

Addition of a lastChangedTimeStamp Attribute to the Identity Element

An optional lastChangedTimestamp attribute has been added to the Identity element. This attribute enables automatic synchronization of data between systems.

Addition of a domain Attribute to the InternalID Element

An optional domain attribute has been added to the InternalID element and provides scoping for this subscription catalogue identifier. The default domain value is "NetworkSubscription".

Addition of a DocumentReference Element to the OrderRequestHeader Element

An optional DocumentReference element has been added to the OrderRequestHeader element. DocumentReference provides explicit links between an update or delete action and the most recent OrderRequest for the same order. DocumentReference contains the payloadID of the most recent OrderRequest document in the list, not always the original OrderRequest (with type set to "new").

Definitions Rearranged

DocumentReference and StatusUpdateRequest have been moved to new locations within the cxml.dtd file. The constituent file status.mod no longer exists.



New Entity for cXML Version

The cXML version string (for example, 1.1.008) is now stored in a single-parameter entity named cxml.version. You can use this new entity to keep the version number consistent throughout cXML documents. For example,

<cXML version="&cxml.version;" payloadID="992662" xml:lang="en-US" timestamp="2000-03-12T18:39:09-08:00">

Using this technique is not recommended when interacting with non-validating XML parsers. Non-validating parsers will have no version information as they load the cXML document, and will behave as if the version attribute were absent.

SGML Entity-Redefinition Conditionalized

cXML 1.1 followed a general XML recommendation to redefine five entities (lt, gt, amp, apos, and quot) for interoperability with SGML parsers. However, it was found that these redefinitions cause some XML parsers to complain.

These redefinitions are now conditionalized for better compatibility with XML parsers. In the future, commerce network platforms might have an option for setting the XML flag SGML-help to trigger these redefinitions for interoperability with SGML parsers.

Transaction Definitions Rearranged

The definitions of the %cxml.messages, %cxml.requests, and %cxml.responses entities have been moved to a separate module (Entities.mod) for improved maintainability. By moving these definitions to Entities.mod, they appear together within the .dtd, separate from their uses in the Message, Request, and Response elements.

New License Agreement

The copyright notice in the .dtd and .mod files has been replaced by a reference to the license agreement on

For cXML license agreement information, please see



Deterministic Declaration of cXML Element

The top-level cXML element has a new declaration:

Old element type declaration:
   <!ELEMENT cXML ((Header, Message) | (Header, Request) | (Response))>

New declaration:
   <!ELEMENT cXML ((Header, (Message | Request)) | Response)>

The new declaration uses a deterministic grammar that is compatible with more XML parsers.

OrderReference Changed to DocumentReference

The proposed element name OrderReference was changed to DocumentReference so that it is more generic.

Less Restrictive Data Type for Attributes

The data types of the following attributes have been changed from NMTOKEN to CDATA so that they can contain less restrictive data:




May 17, 2024

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